First colour image from JWST Today at 10pm

I'm betting it will be 20 minutes of waffle followed by some barely interesting teasers... before the main stuff tomorrow.
Like the longest porn ever

Edit: Redeeming my comment above Rroff, I've just realised UK dash cams have released a new video (well, dated 10/07)
Has Biden got confused and wandered off.
Calm your lulsing. Biden is better than trump for this sort of thing. Can you imagine him doing it? He would first claim it was all his ideas that got it all up in space, then pronounce space as "Shpashe", then ramble on about how his election turnout was the biggest anyone has ever seen, then say he spoke to a man on the phone and that it was a beautiful conversation that lasted 2 hours.

He would finish by recalling a beautiful letter from Kim Jong Un, some might even call it a love letter.

None of this is even a joke lmao.
Gonna crack open another Bunderberg I think, this wait is melting me literally.
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