First FULL Watercool build - hobby

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I thought you had to have a least made 1000 posts to activate that?

Edit - I seem to have accessed it I think:) I'm guessing you wanted to send me a message?
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I have purchased my equipment and most of it is here apart from the rads and a few other bits and pieces.

I still have time to change my rad choice and was wondering if two different types of radiator in the same loop can cause issues? I really like the white rads from XSPC, but I really want a drain port on the bottom rad so was thinking of swapping one rad for a coolgate rad with drain port... is this going to cause issues?
I think you should start with a non rigid tubing and then move on to acrylic tubing as its very hard to align and difficult to reposition components once its done.

I did a normal tubing build in the past. This is for something to do, so I don't mind taking my time with it. I've also go rotary connections just in case things get too tight or complicated in the build. Although I'm still trying to figure out the best tubing for SLI 980 Ti's.
Is this loop ok?

This is what parallel means in water cooling, just done you a quick sketch.


As you add more and more components into a loop you add more resistance, so it reduces overall flow rate and makes the pump work harder. Running them in parallel will add less resistance but half the flow rate through each card, but then you can gain the flow rate back from overall system improvement if that makes sense?

Yes it makes perfect sense thanks. I was getting a little confused by the GPU section to be honest! I'll be running 2x EVGA 980 Ti Hydro Coppers and I still don't know what to use to connect them! If I'm running in parallel now then would using C47 connections and Bitspower crystal links works ok?
So all my gear is here now guys apart from the cards and the plastidip. Still waiting on the prices of the EVGA Hydro Copper to go down though as I am not spending 2x750 on cards OCUK should be selling for £630!

When the plastidip gets here tomorrow or the day after I will start with spraying the side panel of the case:)
I know it may take some work but I feel it would make a big difference to how neat the inside looks.

You have no idea how much work it's taken already;) I think I can buy the basement plate and cut the pieces out to accommodate the tubes I already have in place?

What I might do is cut some cardboard and put it down there and post a pic to see if it looks good with the acrylic where it is;)
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Reordering an acrylic loop is a pain in the hole alright but it's better done now wheel in in the mindset then in a few weeks or months time when you need to tear the whole system down again.

It's not just the acrylic, but the pump and res combo too. I'd have to move the res up to fit the metal sheet in, which means the top acrylic would need resizing too. I'm better off cutting my own aluminium sheet to size and installing it I think. There are metal workshops next door to my work. Maybe I can ask them:)

Also if you watch the installation video you'll see it has to be fitted BEFORE the motherboard because of the angle you have to go at to install the thing. So yes. I'd have to tear the whole system down anyways. Not going to happen at this point. I'll either think of another way or leave it be. Remember the side panels are yet to go on. I'm painting them white with plastidip. Maybe it will looks nicer with the panels.
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Another update. Added the UV lights to the build and I am currently awaiting more paint for the side panels and I am also building my own Acrylic basement lightbox! Not sure how the lightbox will turn out, but hope it will work!

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