First game you played?

27 Aug 2004
What was the first game you ever played at home? It can be online or offline, console or PC, not fussed.

For me, i was about 10, and the game was GTA on the PC.

EDIT - Eek, totally forgot i had a commodore 64, so make that thomas the tank engine for the C64 :o

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At home? erm, jeepers it would have been probably.. one of the games in the C64 mindbenders game pack bundle... at least I think it was.
That would have been, late 80s

Oh there were two bundles, the other was Night Moves pack... so it was probably from that :)

Heres what I had!

either a mindbenders game or
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At home it was something on the Commodore 64: either Flimbo's Quest, International Soccer, Fiendish Freddy or Klax as they were all on one cartridge.
I would have been about 6ish I think then.
Pong on an old "console" with the twisty control stick.

First proper "computer" game was either Boulderdash or Paperboy on the C64 I think.
Haly said:
At home it was something on the Commodore 64: either Flimbo's Quest, International Soccer, Fiendish Freddy or Klax as they were all on one cartridge.
I would have been about 6ish I think then.
puh - you c64 cartridge users. Tape decks all the way!!

Edit: I found my C64 and my 200 odd games I have up in the loft over easter. May test it out over summer :D
Pickers said:
puh - you c64 cartridge users. Tape decks all the way!!
I had a tape deck and about 400 tapes for it by the end of my c64 purchasing days :p
It just came with a cartridge when my parents bought it for me :)
Haly said:
I had a tape deck and about 400 tapes for it by the end of my c64 purchasing days :p
It just came with a cartridge when my parents bought it for me :)
I never owned a single cartridge. I barely even saw them. I think I borrowed one once... :confused:
Pickers said:
I never owned a single cartridge. I barely even saw them. I think I borrowed one once... :confused:
It's the only cartridge I've ever seen for the c64. I know others were available (Terminator 2 was available on a cartridge I think), but the cartridge slot seemed a bit pointless to me really.

I've got an urge to go play Football Manager or Lords of Midnight now :o Although suppose there is that remake of it for the PC.
Marble Madness on the NES at a friends house.

First console I owned was a SNES and the only game I played for about a year was Super Mario World. Ahh the memories.
The first game I played was some kind of pong variant on a home console type thing...had about 4 games, all a variation on the theme.

My first computer was a second hand Dragon32 and the first game I tried was some kind of basic RTS game written in basic...utter rubbish, but it was all up from there...happy memories.
First game i ever played at home was some sort of Pong variant on a console someone had brought along in the late 70's. Cant remember what console it was.

First game i ever played on my own computer was Rocket Raid on the BBC Model B in around 1982.
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