First game you played?

Could well have been this:


Cool game. Very difficult though..and never managed to make it to the airport. :p
Might have been Joust on the Atari.

But I think I had played some games before that anyway. But thats the one I remember as being one of my earlier memories.
Doonhamer said:
Some wall breaker game on the zx81.

Me too. Shame my dad chucked out the zx81 a few years back as it's probably worth a few quid now :(

First proper game would be one that came on the discs with the Amstrad CPC 6128 - something like Supertest (hello broken joystick), roland in time, doors of doom, hunchback2 or something like that.
Hack (predecessor to Nethack) on the company Sun Unix system in about 1981.

The DOS port of Nethack was the first game I ever installed on my first computer of my own. It's been on every computer since.

Seriously can't remember, it was some spectrum thing I think, where you controlled this little man with a boingy board and had to bounce your chum up into the air.

I must have been about 4.

Remember when it was a monumental occasion completing a game? :D You can do most new games in a few days now if you play on them solidly.

I remember tearing my hair out at virtually every single game on the Master System, and getting tendonitis at the same time :o
Reading this thread it is good to know that some of you are as old, if not older, than me - for a time I thought everyone on this forum was about 21!

My first was caterpiller on the Dragon 32.
Not sure I can remember the 1st game I played at home, bt it must have been one of the games my dad had on the Atari 2600, so I guess something like Adventure

or Raiders of the Lost Ark:

or Pitfall 2
Good ol 64. Only reason my dad bought it was because there was a closing down sale in an electrical store. I must have been 7 at the time. I could only play Robocop though because the tape deck was broken until I fixed it with celeotape and 007 all the way until my mum saw the celotape and was like OMG!!!111. :(

The I got some atari thing that has asteroids and some game where I could bomb U boats until my parents bought me a megadrive when the N64 and PSX just came out. Cheap or what.
Double Bubble or something. Rainbow Island, North and South, all these ring a bell. I was about 3-4 so I can't really remember.
Tied between Wolfenstein 3D and Dune 2. It depends on which order I loaded them in, and I can't remember back to when I was 5/6.

Thank God my dad taught me some DOS.
Pong would have been my first game, played on my parents old bright orange Binatone console thing. Had a choice of about 5 games on it, all pong based and came with two controllers with just simple knobs... Was great fun, still play it occasionly to this day when I visit my parents.

After that we got a BBCB Micro and I played loads of the old classics on that:)
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