First light gaming PC for step son

27 Dec 2006
He's asked for a gaming PC, we have monitor and some perhipieals already in place. To fund this will be from us and his dad (and possibly family) to be combined from Christmas money.
For games, hes not interested at triple AAA titles but wants to play some casual gaming like the typical Fortnight, Minecraft and other light generial popular indie games like Fall-guys. Or whatever he watches on youtube.

I am planning to upgrade my rig in the coming months (8th Gen intel i5 and etc) but also we want not spend a small fortune on something he wont be using it. You know kids have an interest one moment and then not touch things for several weeks / months. He's just interested in his ipad right now.

Not sure on spec yet but wondered if im getting rid of my computer should I keep the DDR4 memory or get something newer and modern with the money we are looking to spend (£400 - £500) possibly?

What CPUs / motherboards still support DDR4? I also plan to reuse a 500GB or 1TB NVME so that would save a bit of money.

Your thoughts?
Are you upgrading your rig to give to him or looking to re use some of your older parts to start a build? Sorry not clear from the OP. Either way can you list any parts specifically you already have.

In all honesty for £4-500 you are probably looking a second hand gear to give decent gaming performance. With the price of components these days that doesn’t get you all that much unfortunately. At that budget you’d almost be better getting a decent console set up.
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Sorry for not being clear - I will be upgrading my own rig but that would come in the next few months but for his computer, I will be buying it in November and he will be opening his Christmas presents and we will be building it together.

So when I upgrade my rig, I was wondering if I can reuse some of them perticularly the RAM and the NVME. The rest I will be selling off to get some funds back to pay for my own rig.
Sorry for not being clear - I will be upgrading my own rig but that would come in the next few months but for his computer, I will be buying it in November and he will be opening his Christmas presents and we will be building it together.
So when I upgrade my rig, I was wondering if I can reuse some of them perticularly the RAM and the NVME. The rest I will be selling off to get some funds back to pay for my own rig.
honestly, you're better off giving your current rig to him, rather than buying duplicate parts new and selling some of your current parts at, what is essentially, a loss
As mentioned, with this budget preowned is your friend. You can pick up a 5600 with something like a B450 for under £150


GPU - 6600 for <£150, OCUK have one in B-grade for this price, you could make an offer and potentially get it cheaper. At least you'd get a small warranty vs buying one off Ebay.

Case £30+
Storage - you have
RAM - maybe reuse yours, you didn't mention speed.
PSU £70
Windows key (£20 ish from key sites)
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honestly, you're better off giving your current rig to him, rather than buying duplicate parts new and selling some of your current parts at, what is essentially, a loss

I agree tamzzy, just give him your old PC and see how he gets on with it.

Maybe reinstall windows just to freshen it up a bit.
I wasn't looking to reuse my whole old PC. Its an 8th gen i5 with an 1080 in it with 32GB ram.
Hoping to do some 'bonding' and building his first PC together. Building a PC is not something I think he cares about :cry: but having that opportunitiy of getting new components, building it together with him over Christmas will be nice (as he's only 14)

The idea of opening birthday presents all freshly wrapped and unpacking is something quite important.

I understand peoples responses and having a logic hat on with repurposing my old kit but building some memories is quite priceless I think.
@Schizophonic very understandable :)
if you have your old boxes you can disassemble your pc and rebuild it again?
to be honest, even though it's a bit older, 8gen i5 + gtx 1080 is still a very good build for casual gaming and more than sufficient for a 14 y/o
all you need is a new case with rgb bling bling and it'll look the part
I wasn't looking to reuse my whole old PC. Its an 8th gen i5 with an 1080 in it with 32GB ram.
Hoping to do some 'bonding' and building his first PC together. Building a PC is not something I think he cares about :cry: but having that opportunitiy of getting new components, building it together with him over Christmas will be nice (as he's only 14)

The idea of opening birthday presents all freshly wrapped and unpacking is something quite important.

I understand peoples responses and having a logic hat on with repurposing my old kit but building some memories is quite priceless I think.

I totally get where your coming from now, I did the same with my 11 year old son last Christmas.

I would keep an eye out on the members market for a AM4 motherboard and CPU, though the build mickyflinn did is a good starting PC.
I could possibly stretch to £600 but if its in the budget of £700 - £750 then i'll have to rethink.

Thanks all.
I definitely agree with tamzzy on this, if you have the old boxes maybe you could disassemble and wrap them up. Plus, if he makes a mess of it and you need to replace things you already have the budget.

If it does need to be new, I'd get something like mickyflinn suggested.
(as he's only 14)
err....that's the start of a very slippery slope :cry: . Mine are 17 and 15 now and yes...started with fall guy and fortnite....not anymore....that went out the window rapidly, esp with my eldest now. He's now into....everything and a lot are graphically demanding as well(and more single player now as multi with friends will be back on xsx)
One thing you have to consider also are his friends. Both my son's have xsx as well as my pc with 5800x/3080FE. They both use the xsx's more than the pc, specifically as most of their friends have xbox's, and it's a social thing as well as just playing. A console will give you higher graphical fedelity at that price, and also will probaly be used more within his social group
only time my eldest really is on the pc with friends is when they come round to the house and max the xbox's and pc together...most kids have consoles, few pc's. It's something to think about anyway.
you can still bond with your son building your new rig together
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