** First real home made rig **

30 Oct 2005
Hey guys, just lastnight i compleated my first real rig. i designed my last system and got some one else to build it (was for xmas so i didnt have a choise).
but a new mobo , CPU, PSU and gfx card. ive changed almost everything on my rig befour with the exception if the mobo and CPU but to build it just had that special something about it. i had to format despite what every one told me but i dont care im to happy - going from a 6600GT to an X1800XT puts a smile on your face :D

Asrock SATAII-DUEL (the one with pcie and agp)
Hiper HPU-4M580 Type R 580W PSU
AMD athlon 64 3200+ (venice) 939
connect 3D X1800XT
dolby live sound card (hi-tech)
philips duel layer dvd drive
some hitatchi HDD that gonna be swaped for a SATA II drive
Firewire card that i have never used (dads fault lol)

im doing a coumputer tech course in college, the only resen i got in computers is coz of games...and that fact that i like everything working together eg. PC>TV>Xbox>CCTV lol

so i got right in to it and i noticed that if you dont really have a passion for pc's you wont get very far when you have to deal with them every day and then theres the knolidge side of it - it involes so much resurch and "keeping up" compaired to say...plumbing. i defenatly wouldnt have got to the place i am now if i hadnt of been inspired by the gaming world.

and i still have a long way to. also you guys really are very helpful when it comes to problems and the sort of people that the world needs more of - people with passion and intrest ;)

if you guys give me some advice on how to upload pics with out signing up to anything i would post some of my rig (still needing a little cosmetic care)

thanx for listining guys
ok , i just get an invaled imige messege when i try to upload

its a jpeg so should work

maybe its to big ?

i also tryed converting 3 of em to .gif an still wouldnt work

is there any other way to do this ?
hear they are

there not that great but hey - i havnt bought the fancy case yet , or the fancy fans or the fancy lights (might give em a miss i dunno yet)

lol , cool thanx :D

do u guys know of some good fans, ill need 4 - lights wouldnt go amiss but if it would affect performance ill leave the lights

and cases - full tower ones - or just plain big ones
cool thanx man - im gonna replace all the wires (IDE's etc etc) but im gonna do it at the same time as the fans the main resen is cos the wires in my case dont stretch very far - and i dont know if you can tell but its a damn big case lol
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