First Time Water - Patience [Parvum S2.0]

So as i said previously, i just didn't like the look of the 3x 90 degree fittings on the CPU block and only having 1 fan on my top rad. So i decided to change the piping up. AGAIN.



I changed the Res feed to the bottom because i couldn't figure out how i would fill it. :D


All pipes in.




So it's time to start filling. Never done this before so the whole experience was 'fun' to say the least.



I had a slight leak on the rad above the res. I forgot to tighten the fitting! No leaks at all. Left over night.

I have a few kinks in my bends which my OCD is kicking in. So i will change these when i do a water change and/or when my GFX card comes. Other than that, its running great. I am slowly clocking up although i am needing to waiting for a PWM extension so only the top rad fans are working and the pump is on the default settings. Once these are all plugged in and talking to each other i will feel much better.

On the desk as it stands.

Thanks Sting.

You and me both. I will be totally honest. I bent the tube the wrong way. I had a brain fart and bent down not towards the CPU.
Little update.

Sleeved mobo cables.




Looks much better, although can't see it properly with the pump being in the way. It adds some colour though so i'm happy about that.


My fan splitter arrived too. Now my pump and all rad fans are set on PWM and its super silent. Cannot get over how quiet it actually is!

I also did a little bit of overclocking. Currently on a 12 hour prime at 4.7ghz @ 1.35v running 56-59c. So far so good :D
Joe, what braids, combs and plugs did you use? I'm going to be doing some custom cables but I've never bought them before so don't want to end up with the wrong stuff.

It looks quite time consuming, but the different colours you have there give it a nice personal touch I think.
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