First WC - please help

makes no difference, the water temp in the whole loop will equalise very quickly

shortest root = best flow = best performance

I also use 3mm thickness tube (albeit 10mm/13mm) and it is very kink resistant

90, 60 or 45 degree bends will make almost no difference either, unless you are planning on having 20 of them, if having a fitting or 2 in there helps keep the routing tidy then it's better to have it than not, having said that, looking at your routing you will have no problems getting tubing to hold those curves without kinking so you shouldn't need any bent fittings as far as I can see

will eventually (normally but) depending on volume and how cool your ambient is i run aircon in pc room so all warm airgets pumped out so my ambient doesnt vary so its always cooling if u have effecient slow water time in rad system

so basically i get a higher diferential between water and ambient all the time ;)

i dont always beleive in shortest route is best also tbh for neatness yes but a larger volume system will be better than a small volume one, more volume = longer to ambient more heat exchange for most people.

like i said earlier it wont make much diference but some people like to have the cpu block b4 the gpu

i guess it depends on how ur pc is laid out and how u want it to look
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will eventually (normally but) depending on volume and how cool your ambient is i run aircon in pc room so all warm airgets pumped out so my ambient doesnt vary so its always cooling if u have effecient slow water time in rad system

so basically i get a higher diferential between water and ambient all the time ;)

i dont always beleive in shortest route is best also tbh for neatness yes but a larger volume system will be better than a small volume one, more volume = longer to ambient more heat exchange for most people.

like i said earlier it wont make much diference but some people like to have the cpu block b4 the gpu

i guess it depends on how ur pc is laid out and how u want it to look

if you want more volume then a) you don't have enough Rad and are using volume to make up for it and b) if you do want more volume use a bigger reservoir, shortest tubing route will mean higher flow which will mean better performance, always

some people like to have CPU first because they mistakenly believe that the water leaving one block will be more than 1C higher than the water before the block, but in practice this isn't true, unless the pump is woefully inadequate and flow rates are severely < 1GPM
Let's try to work it out...
typical GPU block - let's assume 20ml of water capacity
typical CPU block - ~30ml capacity
minimum recommended flow ~1Gpm = 3.7Lpm = 61ml/sec (I assumed US gallon as it's smaller and this is the worst case scenario)

So in theory GPU block would see 'new' water 3 time every second. Even if we assume silly block capacities we would get pretty good flow so I recon the water reaches equilibrium pretty quickly...

If anyone wants to sponsor me some in-line temp sensors I can play with the setup :D
you don't even need inline temp sensors - the £2 air sensors can be taped on to the fittings - it takes a couple of minutes for the temp to equalise between water and fitting but it will give you indicative results when you a burn test

martin did a comparison of inline with taped on temp sensors and the difference between actual water and fitting temp after a few minutes was less than 0.5C on average (and most temp sensors have a tolerance of 1C anyway so you can see that much just between 2 sensors of the same type)
can't find it now - martin has moved his site a couple of times and doesn't always move everything from the old to the new, but if you look at the pics on his site you'll see that that is how he does all of his water in and water out temp testing, he's also done some tests on skinnee labs

if you're not sure you can always ask him yourself on xtremesystems or
if you want more volume then a) you don't have enough Rad and are using volume to make up for it and b) if you do want more volume use a bigger reservoir, shortest tubing route will mean higher flow which will mean better performance, always

some people like to have CPU first because they mistakenly believe that the water leaving one block will be more than 1C higher than the water before the block, but in practice this isn't true, unless the pump is woefully inadequate and flow rates are severely < 1GPM

not at all i like lots of water and resevoirs it works well with one but i have 3 and id rather have larger bore higher volume system its like heating a big pot or a litlle pot takes longer to heat a big one.

shorter tube wont mean higher flow
if a pump pushes 10 l/hr thru a short tube itll still push 10 l/hr thru a long tube all esle being equal and you are within the pumps head capability.

more volume as in larger bore pipe creates higher flow small bore tube will create more pressure its the thumb over the hose pipe analagy again.

agree some people like the cpu before the gpu for that reason as said in my earllier post that was maybe the only thing some people would suggest chasnging but like i said itll work anyway as is.

in a large volume system the temp diferential between water temp pre cpu/gpu compared to pre rad will be greater than in a small volume system that also negates the need for extra rads also as the time to ambient will always take longer also as i mentioned earlier if you have aircon you controll the room temp at a constant temp its even more beneficial even then more so if rads and pump and res are outside of the case,

however going back to the original question yup itll work as is
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not at all i like lots of water and resevoirs it works well with one but i have 3 and id rather have larger bore higher volume system its like heating a big pot or a litlle pot takes longer to heat a big one.

shorter tube wont mean higher flow
if a pump pushes 10 l/hr thru a short tube itll still push 10 l/hr thru a long tube all esle being equal and you are within the pumps head capability.

more volume as in larger bore pipe creates higher flow small bore tube will create more pressure its the thumb over the hose pipe analagy again.

agree some people like the cpu before the gpu for that reason as said in my earllier post that was maybe the only thing some people would suggest chasnging but like i said itll work anyway as is.

in a large volume system the temp diferential between water temp pre cpu/gpu compared to pre rad will be greater than in a small volume system that also negates the need for extra rads also as the time to ambient will always take longer also as i mentioned earlier if you have aircon you controll the room temp at a constant temp its even more beneficial even then more so if rads and pump and res are outside of the case,

however going back to the original question yup itll work as is

you've got 3 reservoirs?

in PC systems people tend to go for small pumps, so the amount of fittings / bends / length of tube all contribute to resistance in the system and cutting some of that will improve flow - you should be aiming for between 1 and 2 gallons per minute, not per hour

I've gone for lots of length, massive rad and huge pump (7m head) so my own advice is irrelevant to myself... but most people seem to go with 2m to 3m pumps for PC watercooling as they want them 12V tiny and quiet

the volume of the system will make no difference to the temperature difference pre-post anything as long as the flow rate is good (1GPM as a minimum and 2GPM as a target) and the rads are able to shed the amount of heat being given to them - volume is a band aid that just delays the inevitable, unless you go completely OTT and have 10 gallons of reservoir in which case you'll probably effectively be using the reservoir as a radiator anyway
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yup i have 3 reseviors 2 big and a small header tank, lots of pipe work pump sits 2 feet above my pc in a contol unit that i have adapted from a old thermaltake system
a small 120 x2 rad
tons of pipe work a small pump and the water flys around and keeps it well cool

the reason i mention temp in various parts is that in my pc ofc the water is hot in my external cooling the water is a fair bit cooler with more volume and the external pipewrok helps keep that diferential ofc its not a lot a few degrees only but i dont let my room heat up as i have aircon running. which keeps room temp stable no matter how hot the pc is. and yes its not exactly ten gallons but i wanted the external loops to act as a passive cooler into the room im using 8 metres of tube probably in all

unit modified so only the control functions remain

dont want to thread jack completly tho ..
i have a rad that works and my system is cool never goes above 30 degress the reason i have resevoirs as i like water features and i have all external controls and pipework my case is actualy very simple and clean i like to have it all outside my case

(damn im having probs with this new keyb)

thats like more spelling mistakes to correct than normal... and im bad ussually

if it was a simple in case build ofc i wouldnt need it but i like the external controll functions etc its like a little pet project to adapt stuff.

ths pic above is just the control unit to rad loop lol


its really a build to show that u can have a really small pump perform really well and cool really well im buyiong a couple more pumps at end of motnh to see how far i can go as i want a huge water tank with like a waterfall feature . or a sort of wave tank effect
I'd like to order the bits before TWO end so can you help me out with a few remaining things?

I know what brand of tubing to get but there is a choice of 1/2"x 19mm or 16mm fittings.
I guess the thinner wall the more prone to kinking the tubing is. Isn't the 19mm tubing to stiff though?
What the best combination is?

How much fluid should I buy anyway :)??
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Not sure it helps but I had the same fluid question for my order, I ordered 3 litres in the end. This was for a 360 and 240 rad (both 80mm), two GPU blocks, and a CPU block. Small reservoir though.
I saw conflicting answers so went with the highest on the basis I'd be annoyed if I ended up ordering too little :p
Personally I went for 19mm tubing - not sure about 16mm as haven't used it at all.

My loop has a 360 rad, a 240 rad, big res and 3 blocks and takes about 1 1/4 l to fill.
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