First World Problems...

22 Aug 2010
On the Wagon-East Angular
What inconsequential thing grinds your gears? For me it's:

Crumbs in the butter
People standing around busy pinch points (parents yakking right in the school gate - I'm looking at you here grrr)
People who leave their trolley in the middle of the aisle. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAMN AISLE :mad:
- Women at work who hang around the kitchen area in my office yapping, who then give you the look of death when you dare say excuse me when wanting to make a drink.

- People who don't acknowledge you when holding the door open for them.

- People driving while on the phone.

- Birds who take a dump on my car.

- People who recline their seat on a plane when seated in economy.

- The person in the office who never brings in "treats for the team" yet is the first one to get up and stuff their face when someone else brings them in.
People who don't say thank you when you hold a door open for them, and people who don't acknowledge when you give way in the car.
fat people.

The self entitled customer attitude that seems to have bloomed in Britain of the last handful of years. People generally believe they deserve all they can get their hands on when it comes to shopping/returning goods. They think of the retailers as evil empires out to steal your money and if you can get away with screaming at a shop assistant about how you think you understand SoG act and that you think you should get this and that for it, and if you walk away with them in the end, then you have earned it.

Thank god i dont work with customers anymore
People who put wet spoons in sugar, not such an issue now that I'm diabetic, any debris in butter and people who meet then stop and chat in shop doorways.
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