To specify Covid-19 is probably a bit further than Flash would go who stick with the more generic Coronavirus. Most of the articles on what kills Covid-19 / SARS CoV2 are pretty old now going back to March so would be good to read some recent info on what does actually work.
Bleach or soap and water seem to be the most recommended but I don't think its that hard to deactivate so most kitchen cleaners should help. It's surprising how long a contact time you need though with some sites saying you need to leave the bleach for 10mins before wiping off or anti-viral sprays that need 5 mins contact time. I'd imagine most people just spray and wipe straight off or use antibacterial wipes which I hope do something going by the amount sold over the last year.
Bleach or soap and water seem to be the most recommended but I don't think its that hard to deactivate so most kitchen cleaners should help. It's surprising how long a contact time you need though with some sites saying you need to leave the bleach for 10mins before wiping off or anti-viral sprays that need 5 mins contact time. I'd imagine most people just spray and wipe straight off or use antibacterial wipes which I hope do something going by the amount sold over the last year.