Flat Cats

20 Dec 2011
So about a year ago I got a little kitten, super cute silver Bengal, he's a menace but lovely! Anyway, as I live in a flat I was a bit concerned with windows and as such am suffering the heat with the windows just on the open latch as it were. Now I know there is a cat pic thread so I assume there are a few owners who have them, does anyone have any creative ideas to keep said kitten in the flat and not 3 stories down? Generally when he sits on the sils he just gazes out and meows a little at the outside world (Spiders on the outside of the window and birds I guess) but he doesn't jump up the windows really. He's not much of a climber but will happily jump up on top of a door if he feels like it...

I have seen a product called flat cats which looks pretty neat and they're not overly expensive. Has anyone tried these, Will they hold up to some gentle abuse from kitty I wonder? Obviously they cover themselves saying don't leave cat unattended but there is a pic in the review of a cat climbing up one and it seems pretty secure once in position!

Recommendations appreciated!

20 Dec 2011
My flatmate has a cat, I feel sorry for it. She's always out and it gets so bored and meows at me all the time. It's wrong keeping a cat locked up imo, and the fact yours is a Bengal makes it even worse. They are a lot closer to wild cats than a lot of domestic breeds they really need to be outside.

Cats are more than happy inside provided they get plenty of love and attention and he does. He's got lots of activities around the place, climbing frames, toys and has free run of the flat which is a nice size. I never leave him alone more than I have to but I know he doesn't make noise when I'm out. I've lived with bengals before and had other indoor cats myself and never had problems. The biggest problem is at my parents who have had their last 3 cats unfortunately hit by cars and they live in the middle of nowhere on a quiet estate. He's far safer inside and more than happy thanks. If he displayed any kind of symptoms of being unhappy I would reconsider and I am looking at moving in to a house in the not too distant future where he will be able to roam outside if we decide it's a safe enough area. But anyways it's not a discussion on that I was after some suggestions for letting some fresh air in to the warmer rooms e.g - the PC room!
20 Dec 2011
In before standard gd jokes about running cats over.

Interesting idea. I'd like to know how those would hold up to 5kg of cat climbing up them..

Made me laugh, Didn't really think about that till you mentioned it haha.

We use flat cats and they hold up well to a 5kg cat. Have two of them and they hang off them all the time.

Sounds positive thanks.
20 Dec 2011
Yea as I said, even on a quiet country housing estate my parents have lost 3 cats (2 bengals) to cars :( The cat they have now is a Bengal she has a bit more sense and thankfully only wanders the back garden and roof of the house, she doesn't tend to go out front unless one of my parents are out there and she just stays near to them. As I said before, more than happy indoor and I have more floor space in this place than your average 2 bedroom house so it's not like he's kept in a small room.

Good advice on preparing the frame thanks, I think I'm gonna give it a try, in the video the guy is putting a lot of force trying to tear it off and it doesn't budge yet when peeled down it comes straight off, magic!
20 Dec 2011
Well I didn't imagine so much about the rights of cats to be in or out, but thanks for those that have contributed and to those that kept to the topic even better. I think I'm gonna measure up and try the flat cats when I'm next paid :)

As for in or out, Mine is in, he has never been out and really doesn't mind. He gets way more attention from myself and others being in than he would if he was out roaming, he has playtime with me and is perfectly happy. Again if I thought he was in any distress for not being able to go out i'd either move or have to think about giving him away to somewhere that he could be outside. The idea of a second cat is a good one and something I have thought about but right now the extra expense isn't really possible unfortunately so he has to put up with me.
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