I mean that's not that much depending on what it covers.
For comparison, our flat in a block of 11 is now paying £1310 per annum.
That's broken down into £154 cleaning (communal stairwells etc), £81 electricity (communal areas and external lights), £77 gardening for the parking area, £109 for general maintenance (although doesn't get used most years), £63 for H&S (mostly compliance and fire assessments etc), £300 buildings insurance, £13 for directors and officers insurance for the management company, £400 for management which includes the audit and general admin expenses (posting letters, debt collection for arrears, operating the DD scheme etc). The remainder of £113 is for any other expenditure not budgeted that might occur and if not used gets transferred to the sinking fund.
So you can see most of it is stuff that a normal homeowner would have to cover themselves anyway.
As a member I'm also a director of the management company so I get to question whether we're paying too much for any of these things and can ask for them to see if we can get cleaning done for less, for example, which we did a couple of years ago.
It's not all a scam. I'm actually the only owner-occupier who turns up to the AGM and gets involved in the running of the management company, so it doesn't surprise me that lots of people with leaseholds either don't know what their service charge pays for, or have no interest in finding out.