Flip a boolean

When you're dealing with qubits you could have

enum Qoolean
 True = -1,


Dj_Jestar said:
MVC for the win.
MVC + Obfuscation for the win. :D

class B { private $b; function gB () { if (is_bool($this->b) !== false) {
return (bool) $this->b; } else { throw new Exception ('I pity the foo that ' .
'tries to retrieve a value before they have set it!'); } } function B ($v =
null) { if (is_bool($v) !== false) { $this->b = (bool) $v; } else { throw new
Exception ('Wtf? Why are you trying to set a Boolean to anything but a ' .
'Boolean value, foo?'); } } function fB () { if (is_bool($this->b) !== false) {
$this->b = (bool) !$this->b; } else { throw new Exception ('GADDAMIT! You ' .
'can\'t flip a value that doesn\'t exist, foo!'); } } };
Ooh obfuscation!


I should brush up on my Perl.

Inquisitor said:
True, it was mainly intended as a take on the "The real WTF is..." thing on TDWTF :)

Yah :o
That's cheating though - using precompiled binary functions and calling them on the fly. Luckily that doesn't fall foul of the likes of the no-execute bit as Perl (like PHP) is interpreted.

Working for a company whose software assets include a COBOL compiler and interpreter-based runtime helps at times like this. :)
Berserker said:
Why these fora prohibit all the various swear words yet something this unspeakable manages to get through, repeated by a Don no less, is completely beyond me. Don't even mention it in jest :D

function _(&$_){$£=create_function('$£=0',base64_decode('cmV0dXJuIHN0cl9yb3QxMygkoyk7'));
switch($_){case call_user_func($£,'1'):$_=false;break;case call_user_func($£,''):$_=true;

$_ = true;


Berserker said:
That's cheating though - using precompiled binary functions and calling them on the fly. Luckily that doesn't fall foul of the likes of the no-execute bit as Perl (like PHP) is interpreted.

Working for a company whose software assets include a COBOL compiler and interpreter-based runtime helps at times like this. :)

It's just a red herring though ;)
I see what you did there. ;)

phykell said:
Why these fora prohibit all the various swear words yet something this unspeakable manages to get through, repeated by a Don no less, is completely beyond me. Don't even mention it in jest :D
The language is stuck in a timewarp, but there's billions of lines of code out there. Customers willing to pay six or seven digit sums to us for our software can't be wrong. Pays my salary anyway. :D
Berserker said:
The language is stuck in a timewarp, but there's billions of lines of code out there. Customers willing to pay six or seven digit sums to us for our software can't be wrong. Pays my salary anyway. :D
As a primarily C/C++ specialist, I'm biding my time :)
Let me get one thing straight. I do not write COBOL. Used to (about 10 years ago, when the company had a policy of being self-resident, but that vanished somehow).

Primarily C/C++ these days. Most of the rest of our team do Java as well, but they've not dared let me loose on that code yet (I did a Java course many moons ago, but it's not so different from C++, so I ended up helping the tutor at a few points :)).

Anyway, I digress.

F6 D0
Or, of you prefer:

34 FF
Let's see who figures that one out first. :)
Berserker said:
Looks like I've stumped everyone on the codes. \o/

Shall I offer a clue? :)

Could be anything (hex, part of an op code).


If its x86 asm (which it looks like because both operations do the same thing).
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