Flying Gallardo

11 Mar 2005
Leafy Cheshire
WreckedExotics said:
The government of Dubai thought it would be a good idea to put a speed bump on a street where locals tended to speed. Problem is they didn't tell anybody. This Gallardo hit it at over 60 MPH.

There's actually a video of the accident. The back end of the Gallardo goes about 5 feet off the ground. Check out the video here



Gallardo is right at the end of the video, really shocked it didn't go over.
We've had the road hump, i'm just waiting for the road ditch designed to slow you down, oh wait one second we already have those.... its called the **** poor rutted conditions of our roads!
bingham67 said:
I know it quite funny but why are people going over it so fast surely they know your wreck your car :confused: :confused:

Cause they installed it without telling anyone or putting signs up and come night they can be quite hard to spot!
bingham67 said:
What a waste of £100,000 hope can claim on insurance lucky it hasnt killed someone if no signs etc.

Probably a new spectator sport tbh, they have Street drifting / Head on 4x4 Smashing, Lambo jumping seems like a logical progression.
The_Dark_Side said:
isn't this old news?
looks identical to the same speed bump Clarkson went over in a Range Rover when filming clarkson's Motorworld - Dubai Episode...and that's about 10 years old IIRC.

How can it be old new the Gallardo isn't 10 years old........
But speeding (Unless you crash) doesn't involved causing $100,000 damage to our new Gallardo does it, and i'm sure that S class merc driver did it for the thrill as well.

And besides :

The government of Dubai thought it would be a good idea to put a speed bump on a street where locals tended to speed. Problem is they didn't tell anybody.
What about the S class then and all the taxis shooting sparks, and how come Wrecked Exotics said its been build without informing people.

If you have your foot down fly in the air upon landing your foot will be forced back onto the throttle.

Yes i agree some of the people have more money than they know what to do with but this time i disagree with this i think its a accident.
Its even got the construction cones out still and the path isn't finished off............. so yes i can tell you now it was built 10 years ago.

Do you regually see cars back ends 5 foot in the air from taking a speed bump too fast?

Can't possibly comment on what the lambo does next since thats pure speculation.
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