Focus headlight help

18 Oct 2002
Amsterdam,The Netherlands
The left dipped beam is broken on my 2002 Focus, is that easy to replace, can I do that myself?

I know a lot about messing with computers but not with cars, in the three and a half years I have the car I have opened the bonnet two times so can a n00b do it?
lordrobs said:
It will just be a blown bulb, simple job.

My only tip is make sure you don't touch the glass of the new bulb.
So I just open the bonnet, find out which bulb is broken and replace it?

I won't have trouble getting to the bulb due to other stuff that is in the way?
Dutch Guy said:
So I just open the bonnet, find out which bulb is broken and replace it?

I won't have trouble getting to the bulb due to other stuff that is in the way?

You may have to remove the battery cover and move the battery back a little.
Dutch Guy said:
So I just open the bonnet, find out which bulb is broken and replace it?

I won't have trouble getting to the bulb due to other stuff that is in the way?

I was able to do my Focus without moving anything else. :)
Apparently depending on the year and model changing the passenger side headlight etc can be very VERY tricky. A focus owner's forum recommended just spending £20 getting a garage to do it for guy had to jack up his car and crawl underneath to change his!
big_white_dog84 said:
Apparently depending on the year and model changing the passenger side headlight etc can be very VERY tricky.
Good thing I live in Holland and have a lefthand drive car so it's the drivers side bulb :)

I will try it tonight, I guess it will be fine, I just have to remember not to touch the bulb and replace the right one out of the three bulbs :o
I ended up having to take a 2002 Corolla to the garage to get a driver's side bulb replaced. There just wasn't enough room between the light unit and a black--box of some kind.

There's something slightly humiliating about having to ask someone else to change a light bulb for you :o
big_white_dog84 said:
Mine went last night :( Only had the car 9 days and a bulb gone already.

I'm going to have a bash at changing it today, but looks like I'll be taking it into a garage this afternoon.

What? :confused: You can change it yourself easy.
I didn't have to, even if you do need to it is a 2 minute job. Take the battery cover off, take the battery leads off and lift the battery out. But I have a 1.6 and I still managed to change both without moving anything.
OK thanks - mine is a 1.6 too. I wasn't happy with removing the battery but if it means I don't have to look like a n000b by taking it into a garage I will just have to put up with to Halfords.
Took me about half an hour to change one of the fog lamps after a stone went through it - I swear they try and make it difficult!
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