Folding@home howto

Never mind that. Get it finished, then we can start work on a general DC FAQ (BOINC, Folding, TKC, etc.) :p

BTW, I think the easiest way of doing that is one thread for each DC client in the archive, then a sticky that has the table of contents from each thread with appropriate links, plus general DC stuff. Works much better than one big thread, or lots of stickies. That is discussion for another thread though. Best leave this one for the folding FAQ. :)
thanks for the feedback - yes i know i have to finish it, life is getting more full in other areas and i'm slacking in some areas these days :eek:

i will prioritise what i have left to get in here - mainly i think a bit on WHY? rather than how is needed quite badly at the top

i shall get there in the end!!! :)
kinnison said:
umm... how do i tell it to just use 50% CPU - I missed that on the initial setup unfortunately (service mode)
stop the service (right click My Computer and select "manage" etc) then make a shortcut to the client and add the -config flag to the end of the shortcut

eg. "C:\Program Files\Folding@Home\winFAH.exe" -config

then you can change the % usage in the advanced configuration

I wouldn't reccomend it though as you'll get a lot less work done :p
of course you may have your reasons - when i stealth installed on my brothers machine i set it to a max of 90% usage so that the other 10% would get most other things done without him even nmoticing a slight difference (very over-sensitive chap)

oh and then restart the service/s
I'd like to thank rich99million for the guide, I've began folding for the OcUK team and have just done my first WU and am @ 209th place. Could I ask how you get those neat little signatures? as I'd like one. :)
im back :D crunching that is
central heating in my new room sucks ;)

.... thats my excuse anyway :)
Reinstalling a Console Client From a Backup

Before you begin: To be able to carry on folding with settings, WU count and log from a previous installation, you will first need to backup your F@H folder (wherever you installed it - usually C:\Program Files\Folding@Home) before it is deleted/you wipe your HD.

I also recommend creating a backup of the registry settings for the service. To do this, go to Start->Run and type regedit. Navigate to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services and right click on the F@H folder. Then choose Export, save it to a suitable place and back it up. Do this for any other clients you may have installed.

Restoring your backup: Copy the F@H folder you backed up to where you want it to be (usually C:\Program Files\Folding@Home). To install the service, you will need to run the configuration again by running the executable with the -configonly flag.

To do this, the easiest method is navigate to the folder with the F@H executable in (named FAH502-Console in my installation), right click and choose Create Shortcut. Right click on the newly created shortcut, choose Properties, and under the Shortcut tab, modify the target by adding -configonly to the end, outside the speech marks. Now you can run the program with this shortcut, answering the questions in the configuration, and the Windows service will be installed.

If you have backed up your registry settings for the service as well, navigate to your .reg backup file, and double-click it. This will restore the settings to the registry.

Hopefully, you'll be able to carry on folding as before like nothing's changed :D
Iv done what you said for the HT procesors with the 2 consoles, but and put the thing on the end:

C:\Program Files\Folding@Home\Console-2\FAH502-Console.exe -forceasm -verbosity 9

But it dosn't start withup automaticly, also when i try start it i get:

Error 1053: The service did not respond to start or control request in a timely fashion.

Also before I knew you could set it up for duel, i just did a single console in a diff folder, how can I uninstall this fully
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tuboflard said:
Ok nm, i restored to a restore point and reinstalled, and it all works gd
ooops sorry mate i didn't see your post - i forget to check the end of the sticky, best to post in a new thread really

glad you got it sorted though :)
Ok, F@H is installed, but it says "Attempting to get work packet" when I hover over the little red cog. How long is this supposed to take as it's been about 5 minutes now?

Edit: Never mind now, it's up and running now, should have my first WU by this afternoon.
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