Folding@home news 21st - 28th Feb 2013

14 Apr 2009
Location: Location

21 February - 28 February 2013

Properly formatted version click here

Current team score: 1,595,706,591
Current team rank: 29
Team weekly dumpage: 23,227,686 (Increase: 1,509,360)
Team PPD: 3,318,241
Total members: 2,442
Active members: 71


Name Daily gain Weeks until stomp
Taiwan Team 191,566 1,069.0
Overclockers Australia 832,104 554.0
Hardware Canucks Forum 375,484 290.0
Team MacOS X 1,366,981 130.4
Pleasuredome Community 553,897 79.4


Name Daily gain Weeks until stomp
Cisco Systems -3,244,214 18.3
Team nV News -297,606 725.8

# Name Weekly Increase
1 Ba 7,038,083 1,262,534
2 Biffa 5,150,096 618,627
3 loudbob 3,762,787 383,115
4 penfold 865,735 -162,031
5 kerrgreg 825,148 160,413
6 voicon 786,433 17,584
7 Bigstan 786,265 -77,030
8 Borged_by_MGP 391,214 86,963
9 KillBoY_UK 307,913 34,466
10 br83taylor 294,418 35,110
11 ozaudio 240,700 -15,593
12 petriodet 229,385 2,587
13 Mattx2 227,131 -147,079
14 Team_Muck_Spreader 224,027 63,207
15 acme15 218,346 94,537
16 Pilgrim57 195,025 -20,863
17 ReaVerUK 156,629 156,629
18 diogenese 153,490 -7,731
19 snapsh0t_too 141,425 124,293
20 wildman 107,893 43,612
21 Bangra 88,546 65,362
22 davev8 86,772 879
23 FMTopFan 86,209 -197,859
24 Juantjie 79,032 -52,069
25 Rob_J 68,033 68,033
26 sideburns 66,472 -23,123
27 DeanT77 55,705 -45,750
28 Richy1204 50,506 50,506
29 Elessar 48,720 -9,029
30 FatRakoon 47,534 -11,964
31 solarisfireball 42,527 -45,785
32 blackshuck13 40,952 -20,934
33 Smellyharold 34,643 -66,644
34 nutnut 33,301 -15,638
35 eddyc 32,874 12,093
36 paradigm 31,920 0
37 HankScorpio1987 23,117 -8,646
38 theforce 21,431 -21,425
39 garethpl 19,370 13,921
40 Smudgington 16,379 10,651
41 Blueacid 15,225 -101,149
42 no1knows 14,452 -8,668
43 steve258 13,686 -2,275
44 noodoo 12,791 -9,572
45 PureAppleJuice 9,844 4,806
46 WobblerJW 7,748 -41,211
47 stevev8 7,433 7,433
48 philds 7,028 6,265
49 Senture 6,036 -65,736
50 nojjer 5,485 -21,798
51 antilo 4,382 -7,545
52 Vysey 4,355 -2,991
53 mark001282 4,343 4,343
54 currob 4,228 1,329
55 SilverTongue 3,898 -1,844
56 Theophany 3,888 1,668
57 Siegeous 3,874 -3,874
58 Exseanat 3,624 -825
59 Red_and_White 3,388 -690
60 LigerZero 3,117 -3
61 KALIBR(OcUK) 2,366 -72
62 drewboy1977 2,224 2,224
63 snapsh0t 2,027 -477
64 Onyx 1,835 -6,939
65 fernando 1,088 70
66 ShaneOsborne 1,080 339
67 Saetia 880 -62
68 Cruise360 520 0
69 Daner 383 -3,216
70 sleepysnake 137 -133
71 froggy 135 0

# Name Weekly Increase
1 kerrgreg 825,148 160,413
2 Bigstan 786,265 -77,030
3 Borged_by_MGP 391,214 86,963
4 Pilgrim57 195,025 -20,863
5 diogenese 153,490 -7,731
6 Bangra 88,546 65,362
7 davev8 86,772 879
8 eddyc 32,874 12,093
9 HankScorpio1987 23,117 -8,646
10 WobblerJW 7,748 -41,211
11 stevev8 7,433 7,433

# Name Credit
1 Biffa 392,754,528
2 Ba 284,847,658
3 loudbob 85,545,338
4 Team_Muck_Spreader 42,921,804
5 dekez 35,514,927
6 snapsh0t_too 26,958,715
7 penfold 26,722,155
8 Bigstan 22,298,109
9 Speed 20,503,401
10 jondi_hanluc 17,586,116
11 Stomp_Monster 16,706,147
12 Sir-Les-MP 16,529,623
13 Pilgrim57 15,953,495
14 Brown_Sparrow 15,667,953
15 LigerZero 15,582,344
16 [OcUK]Delboy 14,495,496
17 R5GTT 14,449,426
18 magman 12,409,618
19 petriodet 11,077,488
20 Borged_by_MGP 11,075,260

# Name PPD
1 Ba 1,005,440
2 Biffa 735,728
3 loudbob 537,541
4 penfold 123,676
5 kerrgreg 117,878
6 voicon 112,348
7 Bigstan 112,324
8 Borged_by_MGP 55,888
9 KillBoY_UK 43,988
10 br83taylor 42,060
11 ozaudio 34,386
12 petriodet 32,769
13 Mattx2 32,447
14 Team_Muck_Spreader 32,004
15 acme15 31,192
16 Pilgrim57 27,861
17 ReaVerUK 22,376
18 diogenese 21,927
19 snapsh0t_too 20,204
20 wildman 15,413



A warm welcome to the team :)




News Graphics by Halz - Team OcUK © 2012

News guys, enjoy :)
Thanks for the news D:-)

Had some good news today(on top of the 1000000+ppd), I got a job offer:eek:

To celebrate I have a fine bottle of wine down stairs and four E5 4650's winging to me from the U.S.:D
Yay News :D

Made it into the top 20 folders. Would have shown me in 19th slot but stats must have been collected in the we small hours of today. Still it means I get to draw out the pleasure of stomping Petriodet over a week :)

My overclocked i7 2600K with 670GTX is crunching 24/7, barring a few hours gaming. That means those single crunchers above me really cannot be in the realms of normality. Bigstan has always needed help, but what is your excuse kerrgreg :p
Seems this teams picking up nicely

Nice one on thejob baba hope it works out for you. Horrabble having no job

Dekez has some brilliant dedication keep doing news everyweek

Ps ba you nearly get a million ppd is that 3x 4p and 1 x2p rig
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Whooop!! Number1 number 1 number1 :P

Thanks for the news Dekez, Ill be in touch again soon.

If only it hadn't been for those pesky 8043s :p

That means those single crunchers above me really cannot be in the realms of normality. Bigstan has always needed help, but what is your excuse kerrgreg :p

OI! :mad: (Actually, you may be right :o). It is actually my most insane single rig yet. With 3 x overclocked 670s and an overclocked 3770K it sneaks past my previous best single machine (i7 920 with a GTX295). Biffa has (or had) single machines far more insane than mine.

Knocked off the top of the single PC league by a whisker but still strong everywhere. Hopefully I'll get better GPU WUs this week.

Another good increase from the team and well done to BaBa for the magical 1,000,000 PPD. An awesome achievement :cool:

Thanks, as always, to dekez for the news and a warm Foldy type welcome to the new members :)

Im determined to build a dedicated folding rig soon, maybe £1k to £1.5k worth, do i go multi socket and a GTX460 or single socket and a gtx 460 + 3x GTX 660ti.
:0 baba you didn't !! A 4p e5 machine!!!! Dear mother of all things right if you put that thing into.folding I think we end up in the stone age!!

Haha my rig is pretty normal :) just a dual socket quad GPU machine :)
we'll be in for a stomp on next weeks update , team AandTech will be stomped shortly ( 5 days ) :D :D

every one keep up the good work ( if you are able to )
we'll be in for a stomp on next weeks update , team AandTech will be stomped shortly ( 5 days ) :D :D

every one keep up the good work ( if you are able to )

I've upped production a wee bit, managing to crack 1 mil PPD a couple of times this week. :D

OI! :mad: (Actually, you may be right :o). It is actually my most insane single rig yet. With 3 x overclocked 670s and an overclocked 3770K it sneaks past my previous best single machine (i7 920 with a GTX295). Biffa has (or had) single machines far more insane than mine.

Weebeastie has always had 4 of any particular type of GPU. For a while now its had 4 GTX470's and a i970 cpu. Its currently down with no where to live but I'm gonna rebuild it and stick it somewhere cool and cozy.
OMG my PPD has dropped dramatically, I will have to take a look at why tomorrow but it looks like kerrgreg will be taking my cell sooner than expected :(

Please look after it mate :)
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more ppd for me tommorow :D

techpowerup arnt far behind us , there ppd is also riseing :o

biffa, is the ppd your on now without the gtx 470's you have then? are you using the gtx 690?

I best be removed from the single PC league......

fired up a 2nd sr2 then? your hardware seems yo be doubling on a weekly basis now lol
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biffa, is the ppd your on now without the gtx 470's you have then? are you using the gtx 690?

Yes my Folding PPD is now and has primarly been CPU only on the two 48 core opteron boxes. I had a flutter with putting in on the GPU's on weebeastie when the QRB was in force, but its not worth putting GPU's on when they get so little return for the power used.

Primarily the gpu's were for Seti in weebeastie.

So I usually have folding on the dedicated quad dodeca opterons, seti@home on the dedicated Nvidia quad gpu rig, milkyway@home on my desktops at home and work running on ATi gpu's. Oh and my laptop runs a mixture of "other" Boinc projects.
Anyone fold on socket 2011, is there much increase using a 6 core cpu compared to the 4 core, is it worth twice the price? Im starting to think a 2011 board (has 4 properly spaced pci x16 slots) and 4 gpu (maybe 660ti). I do have a 1155 board but its only got 2 pcie x16 and i think £/ppd gpu still wins not fussed about power usage.
off on holiday last week for the wife's bday, back and folding again but still suffering from terrible WU's....

Still, every little helps and I quite enjoy it :)
What is it about folding that makes you just want to blow so much money on building a rig, my original plan was to just use bits i have lying around but i want to now get a board that can fit as many gpus on as i can and fill it.
What is it about folding that makes you just want to blow so much money on building a rig, my original plan was to just use bits i have lying around but i want to now get a board that can fit as many gpus on as i can and fill it.

LOL, send loudbob or baba an email, they both have 4 slot pci boards they will sort you out with! i know as i asked them a short while back.
Im eyeing up some with seven, to work though im pretty sure i would then need to watercool then so they fit in a single slot.
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