Folding@Home News 6th - 13th October

I noticed in the log file of the 990x this error:

[03:48:33] - Writing 230736892 bytes of core data to disk...
[03:48:42] Couldn't Compress

Looking that up seems to ask more questions than it answers, but my first one is, what is the underlying OS and hardware spec that you are running the VM's on?
Running with:

Asus RE3 Extreme
i7 990x
6GB DDR3 G.Skill Trident @ 2000MHz
2 x OCZ Vertex SATA II's 60GB (Raid 0) for Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
2 x 2TB hdd's (Raid 0) for storage - Virtual Box 4.1.4 & Folding Image Installed here
2 x 560Ti's MSI Twin FRZR's running two folding clients

And the same set-up for CPU folding as you were running.

Checked the disk usage for the folding client and never went above 40% of space used.
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