Folding@Home News - Attention Single-Machine Crunchers

i suppose i should probably sign into this, not that itll make any difference, single quad core part time cruncher here

Sorry if I'd seen this last week I'd have retro added you - you'll be in the league for this week's news which should be along shortly :)

As for the size of the contribution - it's far better than about 8,250 active forum users do for the team and we're happy to have you on board :cool:
Looking good so far?
Bear in mind ive not been running overnight and only had 3 clients running as i needed one core for internet, dvd playing.

If i had the dosh, i would build 3 or 4 cheap systems just for folding.

You don't have to leave a core free - the client runs at the lowest priority possible so as soon as something else requires any CPU time it will back down. The only way you'll see the client affecting your use of the PC is if you get short of RAM as the clients can't back down their RAM usage during a WU.
@Chadd - thanks for that. I think historically we put P4's in as single core machines as despite showing as two cores it's more like 1.3 cores if you're maxing both out with folding - makes it a bit fairer for you to compete without putting you up against Core2Duos which can run the SMP client :o

@EVH - welcome to the team, have added you as a PS3 user for now, can't wait to see what your output becomes for next week though :eek: :D

@Cob - I doubt it'll make that much difference, I assumed that was your Celeron that you'd been using - you sure Berserker would have anything producing that little in his farm? :confused:

@Yeggstry - No, and I can't believe the cheek of it..... oh alright then :p

edit: news to follow shortly (i hope)
Wow - been so busy with work this week I didn't notice how many new folk there were :eek:
Welcome to the team one and all :)

I've added all the above, just give a yell if anything changes or I've got anything wrong

News to follow :cool:


Where's the news then :p
It's in the news cannon - I'm just trying to find some matches :p
Honestly, he complains that he's not got much to do then you ask him to do something and he complains more! Are you ever happy? :p

I'm naturally very lazy :D

Duke is removed as requested, Cob I don't suppose it'll make a huge difference though I'll run the numbers and see what comes out :)

News to follow
hmm, I think the word you are looking for is "slacker" :D

Last I looked you were still behind me :p ;)

I keep doing that. "I'll just rest my eyes." I tell myself that every time.

Yep that's the one - I've been covering for various people for about the last month now and it's really starting to grind. Halfway to my first job this morning I'd already fulfilled my contracted hours for the week - ah well I still enjoy the work and the weekend is just around the corner :)

Just tired enough to go back to sleep now :p
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