Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 10th January 2008

Will try and get back up to full pelt shortly, determined to try for 20k a week with my quad. Also got a new core2duo laptop yesterday so might have a look at options for that folding parttime also.

Yes I'm also trying for the 20k a week mark, lost quite a few wu's last week due to wireless network installing (closed down the smp clients and once restarted they returned errors)
I also got a new laptop but its only an Asus eee pc to play with whilst at work, Dont think it will have the guts to do any worthwhile crunching, but at least I'm learning Linux now :confused:
New sig text as the quad has gone - just too hot and did clock well*

*mostly due to ram timings I've just discovered :(

Anyway while I try to improve on the old timings I've now running a E6600 that FSB for FSB is as cool as the previous E6420 but with a 9x multi.

Currently at 3.3 (368*9) at min board voltage (1.3) & Running two standard units at 45c If no crashes I'll tidy up the ram and restart smp :D
Good news - the owners of our appartments have very nicely provided wireless access so I will be able to sort out the news after all, I'll fit it around any jollities though so may be earlier or later in the day than usual depending on what we're getting up to :)
well maybe top 10 production this week :) just over 20k points so far with a few more days to go and will have 3 Quads @ 3.6Ghz+ go onto 4 linux SMP folding clients each later tonight :)
Feed back for the whole group on the affinity changer please.

Is it WinSMP only?
Does is out proform VMware/Ubuntu?
Slow down on other running application for non-dedicated cruncher (I'll be able to answer that one by end of day ref AutoCAD/ms office)
bugs / issues we should know about?

Edit: currently taking one minute of my step times and adding 10% ppd as I work (no noticeables slowdown) :D
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It must be WinSMP only as it can't see the separate FAH cores under VMWare.
My combination of one WinSMP plus one Ubuntu/VMWare was giving between 3100 and 3300PPD, depending on how it felt. Using the Affinity Optimiser, I'm getting 3550PPD from two WinSMP clients. It's also bumped my E6600 running one client from 1590PPD to 1770PPD. So not huge gains but very definitely an improvement.
It seems not to release the CPU as much as it should. My test application which should take all four cores to around 85% CPU usage for a minute took about 1' 45" and was around 45%.
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Were you inactive for a while maybe? If people produce zero for 5 weeks in a row I tend to knock them off the list so I don't end up with an ever-growing list of names to check. I can certainly add you back on ready for tomorrow :)

I think I was inactive abit during Oct/Nov but deffo not 5 weeks in a row :p nothing important really cus I still can see my name in the big list and got the Tiffy-Kat (150K :D) as well
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