Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 1st March 2007

Every three to four days we get a sub 100k output dip, nothing to worry about. As to the over all trend line that moves about all the time especially after a dip or peak (check it tomorrow and it will be upwards :D )
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LordShadow said:
StevenG, you have now been overtaken :). Good fight for position though! Could all change soon aswell since i might be moving to my grandparents for a bit and dont know whether my computer is coming with me or not :eek: .
Overtaken :D its going to be up and down,

but snapsh0t is going to overtake us and keep on going!

Its nice to have some competition, hope you can keep your pc folding!

StevenG said:
Overtaken :D its going to be up and down,

but snapsh0t is going to overtake us and keep on going!

Its nice to have some competition, hope you can keep your pc folding!


Yeah I think it will be - Im about 6 hours away from another 1760 atm :). Leapfrogging time!

But Snapshots output is just crazy, give it around a week or so and he will be storming ahead lol.
It just proves there's life in us old folk yet (and we have more money to chuck around). :D
A combination of two SMP clients and twenty borgs is going to shift up fairly fast through our current levels but watch my output dip for a couple of weeks when the borgs get turned off for the Easter holidays.

Hmm, I've got some spare cash from some work I did this week. Perhaps I should replace my 820 with an E6400 and kick off a third SMP client. ;)
Stelly said:
damn it!... just updated as well..

It's all good, rich will inc. the points in next weeks news - early bird bonus time for you :D and if possable try and post in the current news thread :p ;) :D

Edit: I see you have - nice one
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