Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 25th November 2005

Joe42 said:
Proud to be a new member of the ocuk folding team.

Just spotted this in your previous folding news post under new users:

Sorry i didn't see it before.
Whats the problem? Inconsistent output?
When you'd joined you had done 3 WUs worth 1 point each - that would indicate they were ending very early and you were getting part credit as the smallest WU available is worth about 40 points, it was possibly just a bad run of WUs as you don't seem to have had the problem again from the look of your EOC Stats page

Nice work joining the big push, I have diverted my main rig that way and borged my work machine that I can't do folding on (shouldn't really have Seti on there but for the short term i'm not too worried :p)
Thanks for the reply.
Since your here, i'm having some problems joining the ocuk seti classic team, have just posted in here about it.(bottom p6)
Help would be appreciated if you've got a moment.
You've got a load of folks willing to help who've already posted there.

Just to let you know if you want to link to a specific post in a thread click the little link next to the date of the post you want to link to. This will link to that actual post. Copy the URL and use. To link to your most recent post in the Classic thread it's like so
i think my bottom of page 6 is different from yours, default 30 posts per page for me so i guess yours is more :o

you're asking the wrong person about any seti classic problems i'm afraid - though i'm sure somebody will be able to help you out in the other thread :)
we're a friendly bunch here - even those Climate Prediction weirdos in the corner :D
BillytheImpaler said:
You've got a load of folks willing to help who've already posted there.

Just to let you know if you want to link to a specific post in a thread click the little link next to the date of the post you want to link to. This will link to that actual post. Copy the URL and use. To link to your most recent post in the Classic thread it's like so
Thanks for the tip.
Crunching for BillytheImpaler now, so folding is off untill 15th i'm afraid.
we're a friendly bunch here - even those Climate Prediction weirdos in the corner
Climate prediction?
Bahh, we all know its going to rain, who needs predictions?
Trick said:
How many rigs are you running to get 1200ppd?

5 rigs;

1 x Dual Core P4 HT
3 x P4 HT
1 x AMD Duron (at 2700MHz!)

I just noticed your locale. You'll have to march faster to catch up with the Senior Service (ex) :p .

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WJA96 said:
I just noticed your locale. You'll have to march faster to catch up with the Senior Service (ex) :p .

Cheeky monkey! ;) I've done nothing but amble for the last 4 months. And duck when the mortars come in. Fly home tomorrow night thank goodness :)
Trick said:
Luckily, the A64 @ 2.5ghz and the Barton @ 1.8 have been getting some storming Woos recently, and the Opteron will finally get built on thursday afternoon
The opteron's up and running and crunching!:)
It's a CABYE 0540 FPBW currently sitting at 2.8ghz @ stock volts with an Arctic Freezer Pro on top. The Geil ONE tccd is doing nicely at 233mhz 2,3,3,6 1T. I'll need to do some tweeking. I can't decide whether to try for 3ghz with slack timings or keep 2.8ghz with the timings as they are. Unfortunately the abit av8 prolly won't want to to 300 on the htt.

This evening's job is to put the Winchester into the spare msi Neo2plat with the old Arctic Freezer and get that installed and running F@H too :) Oh, and I've gotta pack for the Lakes too! Roll on the hills. I just hope it ain't too cold and wet for some decent cragging. God, Blighty's brilliant!
Welcome back Trick mate - glad to see you back safe and sound, even though it looks like you will be stomping my sorry ass soon :(

Something appears to be amiss at the homestead and I have no idea what until I get back :confused:

I wish Folding was like BOINC where you can check what each rig is doing individually from your account.

There must be a way to monitor one's farm remotely. If anyone has any suggestions as to how it can be done, could they please let me know. I hate being offshore and not knowing what my rigs are doing.

Stan :)
Bigstan said:
I wish Folding was like BOINC where you can check what each rig is doing individually from your account.

There must be a way to monitor one's farm remotely. If anyone has any suggestions as to how it can be done, could they please let me know. I hate being offshore and not knowing what my rigs are doing.
Whilst I was away I set up an encrypted VNC server on the main pc and opened a no-ip account. This enabled me to access both rigs from afar without worrying about changes to the ip address from BT. All went well until I accidently stopped the VNC server and had to phone a mate to get it started again!
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