Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 26th July 2007

cokecan72 said:
shoddy output this week :( god damn stupid winSMP. its about as unpredictable and lemonman's output :D
honestly, think ive managed to complete 3 wu's this week and lost 4, as soon as one finishes, it bitches about io_error's, after a few attempts at restarting the core it finally gets a new wu and starts crunching

does anyone know when stanford will release a better beta of it?
weird - my winsmp has been foot perfect for the last 10 days no issues at all.

BOOOOOOMMMMMM - Page 1 has arrived!!!! :D :D :D
blitz2163 said:
I had my first EUE the other day :( just as im trying to fend booyaka off with a large stick :p

you'll probably hold out for a few days as system is offline as i'm away till sunday - a few days grace but not even Optimus Prime can help you now!!!!! MUHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! (insert silly austin powers world domination laughter effect) :D
Pilgrim57 said:
I was away last weekend & came home to PC saying "failed memory test"
rebooted & dropped the o/c but problems pesisted this week. Today it has done it again & removed 1 GB RAM to get it to boot. Crucial Ballistix & only 3 months old! Running in single channel has added 5 mins to a frame:(

I just lost a 1GB stick of Ballistix as well - only two or three months old! :(

Fortunately I have 1GB of Geil ULL to tide me over, but Crucial want me to return both sticks of my 2GB kit to get an exchange. Wonder if 1GB will run Vista and Linux SMP for a few days if I just leave it alone and use my laptop for everything? :D

Thanks Rich.
rich99million said:
Highlighted? Looks the same as the rest to me :confused:

Please me ignore me - I overdosed on STUPID pills today! :o Gazzza appeared highlighted to me because I had just done a search on his name. I was just wondering if he had ever posted to this forum, because his output is quite good at the moment (almost matching Team ms9cw).

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