Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 8th November 2007

Could someone tell me the divisions between the tiffy kats please?

From a quick look it looks like:

2.5k-10k = every 2.5K
10k to 100k = every 10k
100k to 1mil = every 25k
1mil+ = every 25k

Is this correct?
That's a long time to wait between tiffies! For some of them it would take nearly 2 months. 7 news posts with no tiffy :eek:

Every 125K I think is a better number. Only 4 weeks between a new tiffy :D
I think the last band should be 1mil+ = every 250k


Over 1mil I've got it going every 50k - while some of you nutters/subteams can easily pull that out in a week it would take a long-term moderate producer like me 10 weeks between tiffies :eek:

It's just another of those things that the SMP scoring has really messed up, I think the fairest way to deal with the tiffies is to keep them consistent with what I've used in the past at least until the alleged scoring changes have been made "soon" and see how that affects users of all the different client types :)
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