Folding@Home wont use GPU

7 Mar 2011
Oldham, Lancashire
I am trying to get this running under Arch linux, an i7-2700k and a r9 290. I use ./FAHClient -- configure to generate config.xml, but it gets overwritten with:

  <!-- User Information -->
  <passkey v='mykeyishere'/>
  <team v='10'/>
  <user v='woden'/>

  <!-- Folding Slots -->
  <slot id='0' type='CPU'/>

Really starting to get on my nerves now!
Looking at it I might need the AMD propiartary drivers. So I might stick with just CPU, I have my system running pretty nicely atm.
Never folded with AMD on Linux, just NVidia, but yes you have to use the proprietary drivers regardless and setup OpenCL.

If you are folding for altruistic reasons alone, then cpu folding is probably ok for you, but just consider its probably not worth folding on a 2700K, the points vs power ratio will be pretty slim and you'll generate a lot of heat in this weather that may make it uncomfortable to be around the PC.
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