Follow Freeman Map Order?

9 Sep 2003
Ive just got my HL2 Follow Freeman server up and running :)

Only problem is Im not sure what the map order should be to play through the campaign? By default its only added 2 maps to the cycle and the first one is not the start of the game :(

Anyone any ideas?
It sounded interesting so I found the website - it seems to indicate that they've only released 2 levels so far and they're the canal levels, apparently they've got a total of 12 out of the original 14 levels playable in co-op but they're still adding "polish" so they're not released yet :)
i think i played this although it had a good idea i found that a lot of the time i was getting tk'd by some idiots :( i suppose if you can get with the right crowd it will be good though.
Hmm thats a shame, are the canal levels the first ones?

Ill be playing this with my gf so the tking thing wont be a least i dont think so ;):D

I might have a look at Synergy instead then, sounds like they might be a lot further with the levels.
daryll said:
Ill be playing this with my gf so the tking thing wont be a least i dont think so ;):D
It's even MORE fun if you're TK'ing friends and loved ones! :D I was in an internet cafe once with 4 friends of mine, and we were playing BF1942 against some other guys, and my friend shot me twice accidentally (his fault, I was really close to an enemy). So I got into a tank and spent the rest of the match chasing him and running him over!:p
Lol thats true :D

Well Synergy looks like its working up to Chapter 9 which is nice.

Though weve actually decided to start from the beginning and do Half Life first, had a go on Sven CO-OP last night, seems to work well :)

Anyone know how to slow down the movement? It seems really fast for some reason..
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