Follow Up Thread: WD5000AAKS seen as 128Gb/137Gb

6 Dec 2002
North East
Follow up from this thread where my shiny new WD5000AAKS drive was seen as only 128Gb/137Gb.

It got sent back for RMA and was replaced. Received the new drive and installed straight away seen as 500Gb so definately the first drive was fubar :o

I noticed that the Random Access was slow ~20ms where it should have been ideally ~13ms. I had a search around and found you could adjust the AAM on the drive which had me thinking that it might be set to quiet/slow. Low and behold it was, changed it to loud/fast and benchmarked. The Random Access is now 13.2ms and the Sequential Read Speed is much nicer without any drops in speed.

Just basically a heads up for anyone with a WD5000AAKS to check they've got it set to the higher setting to get quicker speeds :) Doesn't appear to be any louder so a win win situation really!

BeatMaster :D
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