Whey protein is certainly not something just for bodybuilders. It's a cheap, good source of protein.I'm not a body builder lol, just looking to get more food into me during the day etc.
I'm guessing I should stock up on mince beef and chicken?
I don't understand. You said you are trying to bulk up, and you're buying cookies, biscuits and crisps? You'd be better off keeping your food to a minimum for a little while, then ordering £20 or so of chicken (you can get a lot of chicken for this much). Then buying brown pasta/rice/oats. All of these are dead cheap, and are the basics of what you should be eating really. Add in a little bit of green veg too, which is dirt cheap.Not that anyone actually cares........
But here is what 20 of the Queens pounds got me.
4 pints of milk (got loads of weetabix already)
3 for 10£ chicken fillets (450g x 3)
15 Free range eggs
2 loaves of bread.
Creamy colesaw (???!)
18 bags of walkers crisps
Value Cookies
Value Shorties
Foxes ambers (biscuits)
Foxes Crinkle crunch (biscuits).
Such a mistake to go shopping on an empty stomach
If your £20 a week is only temporary until you get your student loan, then I'd suggest you re-evaluate what you think is a healthy diet. Just because you're not a bodybuilder does not mean you should be eating so much bad food. Your body needs protein, healthy carbs (brown rice/pasta etc), healthy fats (think nuts, real butter and so on) and some veg in order to grow healthily.