Food you hated as a kid, but you love it now.

Mostly everything, I was very picky when I was a kid :p Still a bit picky now but nothing like I used to be :o
I used to hate fish (any type) and anything spicy, thats fairly changed i love the stuff now and their a big part in my diet.
That's really weird, I have recently discovered loads of things i like that I hated as a kid. I was chatting about it the other day with my mother...

- Broccoli -AMAAZINGGG!
- Peas
- Baked Beans
- Tuna
tuna... now i can live on tuna/mayo sarnies. i went through 2weeks having tuna sandwich everyday.. and to be honest it does make you feel fresher... maybe its just a mind thing, but i felt different
...what's the deal with swede (sp?) as well. I've never got the hang of that stuff. Has anyone 'grown into it'?
Pasta, pizza, meat, rice, fish, curry - you name it, I didn't eat it when I was a kid. I love my food now - my *cough* 'healthy' appetite is legendary with my wife's family.

I cannot stand salad though - the wife loves it, but I will go to my grave without so much as touching a lettuce leaf - bloody rabbit food ...
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