Food you hated as a kid, but you love it now.


I think I was put off curry by what they served to me at infant school and labelled it as curry.

I now love curry.
Most vegetables. Still don't like sprouts, cauliflower or raw tomatoes but I'm fine with anything else. The one thing I used to love which I can't stand anymore is sweet corn.

I've always loved curry for some reason. I think I could eat hotter curry then than I enjoy eating now. I've slightly gone off really hot curry, prefer something slightly milder with more flavour.
Fairly odd one this - I never used to like butter on sandwiches, and then one day it didn't bother me any more. :confused:

And going the other way for a moment, I used to love fish when very young but now I can't stand any seafood at all. Again, :confused:
curry...only after a sister who shall remain nameless told 4 year old me that those sultanas were actually dead bees. Now i know better.
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Most veg i eat now i wouldnt eat when i was younger. That includes carrot, red cabbage, swede, green beans etc. Still can't stand broccoli or sprouts though :p
Mmmmmm Broccoli is lush nowadays, but that is probably because I know how healthy it is. :D

I hope I grow to like fish, from a health and social standpoint fish is a good thing to like.
Brussels ( waht kid likes Brussels)
and cheese.

BrightonBelle said:
Mayo and coleslaw - was allergic to egg as a kid so stayed away from these things, although if I have too much I feel sick :\

BB x
Mayo is a sin to St.Sandwich
- yukk
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