For all the guys on the boards

18 Oct 2002
Afternoon all,

I've just returned from the doctors as I found a lump on my testicle the other day - thankfully mine is nothing to worry about, either a cyst or an inflamed vein and apparently fairly common. I just have to go back for an ultrasound to find out which it is at the begining of next month.

I just thought I would take this opportunity to say how important it is for you all to check yourself regularly and to go to the doctors if you find something even slightly abnormal, its better to be safe! I know that we have these reminders every so often but I haven't seen one for a while.

Agreed. OH had one, turned out to be like yours will surely be - just a cyst.

Really important to check though guys. Better to be safe than sorry and there's a quick fumble in it for you too :p
Yeah, I check very rarely to be honest. I only seem to do it when I see an ad for it or hear it mentioned on the telly.

Cheers for the reminder, I'll probably still forget though.
kitten_caboodle said:
there's a quick fumble in it for you too :p

Theres always one to lower the tone ;)

Yeah, just got to go find out if its a cyst or vein. I guess there might be something that they can do about it. Not too bothered now I know what it isn't!!
Matteh said:
Theres always one to lower the tone ;)

Got to get them interested somehow. I usually find that's the easiest way :p. The Dr told my OH that in most cases, the gf or wife has found something and talked the guy into going, rather than him checking himself.
I would have replied sooner but I had my hands down me pants!

I am glad it all worked out OK for you Matteh, I had the same thing, found a lump, went to the quack, he had a rummage and concludes no worries. Ultrasound is just a check and everything will be fine. It all went away within a week and I have been firing on both cylinders ever since. ;)

Like we need and excuse to play with ourselves. :p
I check all the time. A few weeks ago went for a scan as I thought I had found something but the doctor couldn't rule it out. I got the all clear, but it's extremely important that you do.

The ultrasound scan is quite... fun. The gel is warm, not cold, don't worry and it feels very surreal. The gel is a mission to wipe off though. The doc gave me one piece of tissue. I had to grab a barrel load ;)
Ball cancer scares are so 2002.

I never see posts compelling people to check their prostate. :|
Also guys remember to wash your hands afterwards. You dont want to be checking yourself then shaking hands with your boss... well some of you might want to.
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