Vinyl is what your after.. im afraid my purchasing knowledge of the stuff is pretty low.. but i cant imagine it costs too much.. and i can imagine you get it from any carpety type place
what have you got under the vinyl, the best breakers can do it on anything, but its all down to technique.. now ive heard great things about your dancing but your technique might be slightly weak and youll be hitting your hips etc, if its vinyl on concrete your gonna have fun.. wooden flooring in the house is fantastic with some vinyl down.. but you have to tape it down, so dont mark the floor..
pads wont protect your hips and you dont have to use your knees.. but i know some of the guys do use knee pads, they are the only ones worth using really, you need all the arm flexibility you can so wouldnt go with elbow pads as such.. a lot of breakers have sort of arm braces, wrist braces but dont know if thats for general protection or injuries?
the best thing to remember if your getting into it is, you cant spin on your head yet [if you do ever want to learn this its best to get hold of protective head gear, something hard like a bmx helm] ... that and
WARM UP.. stretch everything, its the muscle conditioning that will let you achieve more in the future.. furthermore, get some videos, preferabley teaching ones, they can be great as a lot of videos your sitting watching thinking.. i cant see whats going on its too bloody fast.. + they might include some of the breaker specific stretches
sorry thats all i can write at the moment, ive got a rehearsal in half an hour for breaking as it happens so.. im off! take it easy.