For the chefs -steak!

No no no, before. You get better penetration.
It does not dry the steak out at all, that is a myth. The heat is far more powerful than any salt reaction.


I'm shocked that no one has even come close to providing an answer as good as mine. EVERYONE that has replied (minus me) forgot the wine! Madness!
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The way I do it.......

  1. Get the steak at room temp... about 2 hours out of the fridge.
  2. Dry it as much as possible with kitchen towel
  3. Oil and season the meat with salt and pepper not the pan
  4. Pan as hot as you can get it
  5. Pop the steak in, dont be tempted to move it
  6. I usually cook it for 1.5 minutes each side for med/rare (but depends on the thickness of the steak)
  7. Let the steak rest while you cook the apragus in the pan, dish up etc.
  8. Serve with mustard.
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