For the gym rats

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Yeh i know, does my head in. Worst thing is they out a tube down my throat during the operation and its caused me to have 5 ulcers in my mouth so i haven't eaten for 3 days, well 2 bowls of Weetabix and thats it :( Cant wait to get back in the gym and eating properly again.
Im still not back in the gym after my operation, i have been off the gym for 6 weeks, and im not allowed to go back to the gym for another month. Its so devastating not being able to train, i feel the size of a 13 year old. I just hope i can gain back what ive lost quickly through muscle memory when i start training again.
Cant wait to get back in there, ive got everything planned and in place for when i get back in there, im going to be so weak going back.
Bit of good news for me today anyway, doctor said should be able to go back to work in a few weeks, which means back in the gym:D. My weights are going to be perthetic, be supirsed if i can even deadlift 160:(
Im hoping that with muscle memory, good diet (which is ready) and a good routine again i can get back to normal quite quickly
Reading this thread is depressing, im still not able to go back in the gym because of this op, and the doc has given me another 2 months off. So by the end of it all that will have been 8months off the gym, and im shirinking badly, and i look terrible. The FRUSTRATION is so emence, seeing people I havnt seen in ages asking if i still train. Suprising how much my confidence has dwindled to.
Now i have to train like hell when i get back to get some respectfull lifts back, i wonder how long its going to take me to get back to my top lifts.
You use(d) steroids don't you? Will you cycle again when you get back? I can't really comment from personal experience but muscle memory ought to help you a lot.

Yeh, yeh i will, but not straight away, considering i will be so weak when i go back, and i will more than likely make larger than normal gains in strength and size when i get back. I will leave it first, get my training sorted, get a good base of strength and size back and then use after that. If i use straight away, it might be ot much for my body considering it hasnt trained for 8months.
But im going to ask over on MT and see if anyone has been in my position and see what they reccomend.
Finally some good news, went back to the hospital yesterday for a check up, and he said that if i feel comfortable I can go back to the gym:D On the down side though, the wound is still there, so i have to be careful, and bent over rows/deads/squats/leg press etc are all out of the question until the wound completely goes. Wil have to take my time and be careful, but still its some good news so at least now i can build back up a little and then have a better base to start from when i start back 100%

Had my first session back in the gym today, and it was so hard after 7 months. Done chest + triceps and im aching already, i cant wait to have that feeling of really aching tommorow and the next day.
It was a good session overall except that it took my body a long time between sets to recover, felt really good to be back in there, even though at the moment I cant go 100%. Kept the reps high and try to build on my form and make sure im doing everything properly.
Still it was embaressing to only be using 25k dumbels for flat dumbell press and struggling after 10 and failing on 12:o
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As to be accepted been back to the gym this week and my strength in the gym is terrible, but whats worse is how easy my muscles are failing, if i plan to do reps of 20, 15, 12 and i have less than a minute in between i cant do half the reps i want to on the next set.
Imagine my embaressment when doing shoulders and im failing at 6 reps with only 22.5kg dumbells:mad:
Oh well on the road to recovery, at least im back in the gym and building myself up to when i can actually train flat out.
2nd week back in the gym this week, and my second chest session. Which was better than the last one, added an extra 5kg per dumbell for flat dumbell bench, and dumbell inclin bench, which i was please with. My muscles didnt fail so easily today which is another good sign:)
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3rd week back in the gym this week, and strength has progressed every time. Its still not at all good but at least im using the 32.5kg dumbells for flat dumbell press for 6 reps, which is an increase of 10kg per dumbell.
Quite happy with progress, but due to this still lingering injury cant go flat out or do the major compounds. Just looking forward to when this injury has completely gone, so i can train at 100%.
Im finally starting to lift some decent ish weights now, been training about 7 weeks now. Using 37.5k x 8 for the flat dumbell bench, will be going to 40k next week, i bench now and again to mix it up, and thats up to 100k for 4. Still am not able to squat or deadlift at the mo, should be able to start them in around 6 weeks, but doing 80k bent over row (all be it im trying to perform reps so it doest effect where i had the op, so the row isnt as bent over as usual.
Things going decently well now anyway weights are going up nicely, still a long way to go, but i think in about 3-4months will be as strong if not stronger than i was before the lay off.

Also, my mrs made a nice wrap for me today, thought i might post it on here to see what you think (might add it into my diet)

Wrap consists of

Wholegrain rice
Some sort of greek yougourt/sauce (little bit)
Spices (not entirely sure which)
Small amount of cheese

Tasted lovely as well, and had 2 of them today as a bit of a mix up to my uisual diet
Just a quick question. As some of you may know, ive started training again after quite a long term injury. The injury was called a pilo-noidle-sinus. So I was wondering have any of you guys had this, and how long after it had healed did you start squatting/deadlifting again. Its been healed for around 2 months now but im really paranoid about ripping it through squatting. I started deadlifting for the first time in over a year last night, and was so paranoid about the scar tissue ripping, i took it extra slow and only did a 40k deadlift (lol, only 200k down). I now want to start squatting again but am still worried.

I know it sounds a stupid question but can scar tissue rip (the op was right on the lower back (at the start of the crack, about 4" down)
Anybody got a good routine for calves? im going to start the following routine and wanted some advice as to weather its any good or not

Current routine is

Day 1 - Seated calf raises 2 x 25-50 reps
Standing calf raises 2x 25x50
Day 2 - Seated calf raises 2 x 12-20 reps
Standing calf raises 2x 12-20

On a good note to, ive added a stone and lost some weight around my mid section since i got back in the gym:D
Strength is finally starting to go up nice now. Up to 100k x10 bench, still poor but getting there, 32.5k dumbells x 10 for shoulders as well, which is stil poor but much improved. Started squatting and deadlifting to, but obviously die to the op I had still very tentitiv when doing them, but im adding a little more weight each week, so they should be respectable in a month or 2.

Relieved im back into training properly after all that time off:D
Im finally getting some confidence back while doing deadlifts now, and can finally start upping the weight properly, did 100k x12 last night and it was easy. Still rubbish, but im confident now i can get that weight right up in the upcoming weeks:)
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