For those with diabetes, how did you know/find out?

Most things have carbs in but it's how many.
When it comes to Veg some are higher than others but the important thing is to keep it below 50 carbs a meal for diabetics.
I haven't had oatcakes for 2 months because they are 35 each and I have 3 normally.
I also haven't had normal white bread but now have low carb bread, so in a morning two slices with egg, bacon, cheese and sausage and I'm losing loads of weight, already gone 3 holes on my belt.
My wife does me loads of 'Sunday dinners' but they are all way below 50 carbs and I have one potato for a treat as the last thing I eat.
I love Pork Scratchings and noticed yesterday In ALDI they are 0.1g of carb a bag :)

Still suffering with my willy so had a phone appointment with a Pharmacist last Thursday.
She is putting me on a new drug to replace the Empaglifozin but she's made me promise two things:
Because the pills are brilliant at passing sugar through the body I have got to :
1) Wash my willy after every wee which could be difficult in some places
2) Drink 2 litres of water a day to lessen the amount of sugar passing through :(

This a a huge problem, I NEVER drink water on it's own because it tastes awful.
I don't understand why the countless amounts of water I have with something else in it like tea, diet coke & juice doesn't contribute to being water?
I've worked out that I can have 4 glasses of water but when do I drink them?
Can I down 500ml and then have a cup of tea but if I do that then surely my stomach has added tea to the mix?
I really don't get how this works and need help understanding it please.
It's probably easier for them just to say it needs to be pure water rather than stand there and need to list off what it can/can't be and then end up with someone walking away confused.

It's had the opposite on me because I'm totally confused.
I had a glass of water 30 minutes ago (yuk) so how long have I got to wait to have a cup of tea?
Four months ago I was given a massive talking to because my Hb1Ac was constantly over 58 mmol rising to 78 a few times.
I had 3 knee replacement operations cancelled because of it.
I was told if my next test today was over 58 I'd be put on injections so 4 months ago I decided to cut out white bread, quarter my potatoes on my plate and eat low carb treats in the evening.
I have gone from a waist 44 to 38 in 4 months and today my Hb1Ac was 47 mmol which is superb.
I've still got my willy problem though but nowhere near as bad :(
Around end of April begining of May this year my eyesight suddenly changed. I'm VERY short sighted anyway my last prescription was -8.0 in both eyes. It got so bad so quickly it stopped me from driving, I just couldn't see clearly. The Optician tested my eyes, then sat back in his chair told me my eyes had improved, "great!" I said, "no not really" he said. My prescription was now -6.5 and -6.75 with near vision improving dramatically. Optician told me this was not good news and I should go see a doctor for a diabetes test. (I did go back 3 weeks later, a week after I got new glasses, and it had improved again to -5.0).

The only time I had trouble with my eyes is when I went on holiday for two weeks at an all inclusive and I hit the food and drinks.
I'd get home and then I could go through a variety of specs from +3 +2 and +1 until I didn't need them.
We haven't been on a two week holiday for at least 5 years so that problem has gone even though we always have a few days away every month.

Now look out for me because I'm coming through Stone around 9am to go to Leon's Coaches for a weekend away :)
Have you looked up Dr. Tim Noakes work on high/low carb and performance?
After years of extolling the benefits of carbs for runners he's actually found that being fat adapted is at least equal to if not better than carbs for both sprint and endurance running.

I was also just this morning watching a thing this morning about visceral fat and they found that long distance runners were much more likely to have little adipose fat (visible) but still have high amounts of visceral fat where as sprinters didn't.

Pointless now, I can only just about walk :)
Update and ****** ******* *******

I've lost loads of weight in the last few months cutting carbs but came off a tablet because it was causing problems with my willy.
I've not had an oatcake in around 8 months - that's a big deal for a Stokie.
November 23 I was an amazing score of 47 on my HbA1c but today because of that tablet loss I'm back up to a dangerous 62 :(
They have just contacted me for an emergency appointment at 4.50pm.
All I will say if you do get diagnosed with it, take it seriously.

I didn't now suffering from serious issues with one of my eyes, so don't ignore it, listen to the medics, get it under control.

This is the problem for me, in 20 years I've never had anything happen to me (touch wood) except to be told I'm getting worse or I can't have my operations.
Other diabetes sufferers suffer, they have things wrong with them but for me it's something creeping up on me in the background, who knows, tomorrow could be the day I get my big warning.
My appointment was with the Diabetic Specialist Nurse.
He is putting me on Semaglutide which costs £100 a box and was/is the tablet celebrities are buying in bulk to lose weight.
With this pill I will lose a lot of weight and I have got to take blood readings every morning because it can cause hypo's.
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