Generally someone who is either bought the car, or shares their parents car, which is the point of this gimmick
true true
Generally someone who is either bought the car, or shares their parents car, which is the point of this gimmick
should be like this for all cars unless you're on a track day
and the 80mph limit is pointless, its still fast enough to die and doesnt stop them doing 60 in a 30 and killing themselves when they plow into a lamp post
Excellent idea, however as well as the top speed limit I would like to see the acceleration limited too. Most accidents are low-speed crashes but often caused by inappropriate acceleration.
Why not have an optional GPS based system for all drivers that restricts the driver from speeding? .
but if it reduces the speed a young driver can drive at and makes even the smallest difference to under 25's killing themselves and more importantly others at minimal cost then why not have the option
Speed doesnt kill, bad driving does. Say for example I was given a Focus ST, thats more powerful than most things i've driven - and I would be careful with it, but give me the same car with a 'restrictor key' then I'm just going to think "ah.. it's been restricted - I can just floor it everywhere and it still won't be going 'full' speed so I won't ever get in any bother / loose traction.
Its a sales gimmick to appeal to paranoid parents, that is all.