Forehead-slapping moments

~J~ said:
Few days ago I ran the following on a well-known fuel-suppliers database...

Come a split-second realisation of what I'd done before seeing "7218 records updated" when I only was wanting one! :o

Yeah that's a killer that. All the others are just annoying things, but that one is 'cold sweat wanting to jump out the window' territory.
One of the silliest moments I've had is making a typo when killing a process and killing Apache by mistake. I wondered why the server load had shot down :D
KingAdora said:
Yeah that's a killer that. All the others are just annoying things, but that one is 'cold sweat wanting to jump out the window' territory.

I always comment out my updates and delete like such:

Update blah set 'wibble' = 'cheese' etc...

I'm very careful with my SQL I am :p
KingAdora said:
Yeah that's a killer that. All the others are just annoying things, but that one is 'cold sweat wanting to jump out the window' territory.

Along with

rm -rf / home/foo/bar/lol

Hmm, this is taking a long time... wait, is that a space? Oh god oh god *mashes Ctrl + C*
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