Forget scammers, combat annoyance closer to home!

Berserker said:
1973? Abacus? The difference engine is where it's at. :p

We were finanically struggling back then, we could only afford the Isenbaard Brunell model, which was made of cast iron rather than brass. :(
William said:
We were finanically struggling back then, we could only afford the Isenbaard Brunell model, which was made of cast iron rather than brass. :(
They're taking the hobbits to Isenbaard? :D
Noxis said:
Its an attempt to assert their superiority - because they have already seen it they are therefore (and by definition) cooler than the thread starter and everyone else that didnt see it the second it was released on to the World Wide Wibbly Web :o
By the same token, the poster of the hypothetical antediluvian topic might be posting for the same reason - That they are asserting their superiority in having found such a cool thing first.

It's all ya-boo-sucks and tears before bedtime - My immediate assumption, when I find something cool, it that it has been found before and done to death, and it's only new to me.

At least, that's what I wrote in this thread.
Sic said:
why is it that whenever someone starts a thread with a video/joke/picture/whatever, someone always has to proclaim that it's older than time itself? to the people that do this: what do you achieve by this? if you physically need to get this information to us, or your heart will explode, then carry on - i dont want to cause unnecessary death...but if you're doing it for the benefit of the other forum users...please stop it.

I think people like that are called "One extra"
If the thing in question was not on the search results then I'll let them off for a repost but if it is then why th eneed to repost?
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