So its been around a year and a half since my computer has been formatted, so its probly best to format. Anyway so my Harddrive is a 250GB Western Digital running at 7200 RPM.
So im wondering say I had 90GB of files and what not and formatted that would take a while yeah? Well say I only had like 5-10GB of stuff left would that take a lot less of time to format? I was gonna unninstall all the games which I already have done to reduce how much GB's its taking up so the format would be shorter, is this true?
So im wondering say I had 90GB of files and what not and formatted that would take a while yeah? Well say I only had like 5-10GB of stuff left would that take a lot less of time to format? I was gonna unninstall all the games which I already have done to reduce how much GB's its taking up so the format would be shorter, is this true?