Former Glory...

Well I had just researched a whole load of components for a new build. But this thread has now got me wondering about just getting a new case so it looks new and then holding tight for a few months on the upgrade. Would only need an adapter to install the m2 drive I bought in preparation.
Blimey, that mb was long did it take you to clean it, and did you find any dead animals in there?

Looks much better now, well done!
Did you research graphics card compatibility with that case and your PSU or was it pure blind luck that it just about fits in there?

Build looks very nice now, very clean and compact.
No smokers, just six or seven years of neglect and being sat on different carpets in different houses...

Really brief research shows that you can apparently get bigger PSU’s and GPU’s in there if you really want!!

I mean, that’s a terrible idea, but you ‘can’...
Reinstalled windows last night, and all of the previous niggles that I couldn’t rectify are sorted \o/

Looks like this needs a wireless ‘entertainment’ keyboard with a track pad, and a decent Bluetooth pad. (Do the bluetooth x-box pads work with any bluetooth adapter, or do I need a Microsoft adapter??).

This weekend I’ll try to set up Launch Box/Big Box with a select handful of games, and quite possibly a new TV too...

Ha, all this messing about and I’ll probably spend the vast majority of my time on it playing Desert Strike :D

Won't win any races, and won't win any beauty contests, but it's much tidier, and infinitely cleaner than it was before...




In total, it cost me less than £100 to refurb it. It was otherwise only going to go in the bin, and frankly after getting a good look inside it probably wouldn't have lasted much longer anyway!!

Now to try to set it up for the fun stuff!!
Looks much better than them old dusty systems.
Warning!! The next couple of images are likely to offend!!!




Im genuinely surprised it still works!!

A lot of the paste had become a thin liquid that wiped away easily and was clearly achieving nothing.

A lot of the paste had hardened to a weird kind of sticky tar like substance.

Not good!!
True, very likely to offend!
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