Formula Boinc 2019 - interested ?

After the first hourly update we are in 10th place for a point :)
Only 42k behind 9th place but 11th place only 130k behind us.

Still have more pending than got validated but that just means someone else has the points as well...
Guess whos back ? No not shady lol, Just the 1 pc with 2 nvidia gpus, anybody want to chuck me some tips, i seem to have forgotten it all lol. Oo yer also the websites and places to check results, lost all my links
Welcome back :)

Had just been to check and saw we had moved up to 8th place in the sprint for 4 points :D
That actually moves us up two places in the overall standings as well :D:D

The main FB site is here:
The sprint scores are here:

Yes, would agree that you can probably run two at a time on your cards.
You do that by having an app_config.xml file in the project's folder that has at least the following in it...


If you want to tell me what you don't know I'll remind you ?
Good stuff :)

Dropped a place in the last hour, but hopefully just a bunker being dropped by another team rather than increased steady output which is what we should start doing now the troops are rallying :D
I think Windows might have the edge.
I've only 1 card under Linux and that is slower than all the other similar cards under Windows.
After the first 12 hours we are in 9th again, we have been swapping between 8th and 9th overnight.
700k to climb to 8th and 1.5M above 10th place.

Just another 60 hours to go :D

PS. Meant to add it looks like the Wizard is back too :cool:
@Biffa how are your run times on them 2080 ti? running only 1 unit per gpu?. I looked at the poor team and seen that you was nearly on your own with this one pdw :( so decided to message chris and andy to see if they fancy a go! :D
Thanks for all the extra help guys it is keeping us in the points :)
We're settling in to 9th place, not enough to catch the VomitinDairylea but pulling away slowly from those GC'ers :D

Just over halfway done, time for more to join in and push higher :p
Into the last 24 hours and we do seem to be catching up with a chance to take 8th spot.
My pendings have been steadily dropping since yesterday but the opposition could just be bunkering to make it look like we are closing in :rolleyes:

@Voicon sorry to hear you aren't keeping well, look after yourself, it looks like oz is back to his old self though.
sorry to hear that voicon , never nice to hear somebody has health problems.

pdw - I seen your message, the dog had panosteitis, he had a huge dose of morphine and some other drugs, poor thing look rougher than local crack heads :(. inaway I was able to turn kids of pc and get boinc back on after quite a lot of down time. I would have chucked my r9 280x on it aswell but boinc wont see it via a x1 pci riser cable for some reason
Barring any surprises it looks like we are staying in 9th spot.
#VD have gone chasing after the Polish but we are well ahead of GC :)
Less than 12 hours to go...
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