Fortnite is overpowering my CPU

5 Apr 2008
Deepest, Darkest, Essex.
Just to say first off.....I haven't built a PC for quite some time now and I am completely out of touch. I did however expect my rig to run Fortnite without any issues. My current set up is

i5 4690K (currently stock)
Z97 Motherboard
16GB of RAM
RTX2080 running at 3840x2160 on a 40" 4K screen

The CPU is running at 100% in Fortnite!!! I've tried changing the game settings and I've updated all my drivers and run a full system scan for any viruses and I'm a bit lost. Has Fortnite increased in complexity to the extent that I need to upgrade my system? Any (constructive) input would be welcome and appreciated. :confused:
4 cores
CPU is doing everything it possible can to drive the game and also the system itself something has to give way sadly that CPU is holding your rig back.

Overclocking the CPU will gain some performance back due to brut force but wouldn't expect a massive difference.
Can it be downloaded and tested for free? I have a [email protected] (also 4 core) and doubt it would 100% max out the CPU... but I can try and see

Other specs
Z97 MB
RTX 2080Ti
3440x1440 monitor

What FPS are you trying to achieve?

FYI, I have had a look and it just looks like a cartoony version of Call of Duty Modern Warfare. That doesnt max out my CPU, 70-90% most of the time.
The only games that have maxed CPU out was Starcraft 2 during a large 8 player map and Planet coaster
Can it be downloaded and tested for free? I have a [email protected] (also 4 core) and doubt it would 100% max out the CPU... but I can try and see

Other specs
Z97 MB
RTX 2080Ti
3440x1440 monitor

What FPS are you trying to achieve?

60FPS is what I've currently set it to. I've seen no difference at unlimited.
I am leaning towards Shankly1985's comment about it maxing the cores, but as far as I know it is free to download and try.
Thanks both, its installing now. Should be done in about 25 mins then will give it a test
I'll just max the settings and see if it can hold 90fps (gsync 100hz) which is what I do for COD, then report on CPU usage from Afterburner monitoring
I'm using an i5-4460 with GTX1070Ti at 2560x1440, it runs great at the 60FPS and I think the settings are all pretty high as well.
Am I right in saying that's also a Haswell chip Tachyon? If it is then I may have a different problem. How much effect does the GPU have on CPU usage?

Honestly, I'm not sure about the names associated with the various chips. Like yourself, I go a while in between builds and it's usually what folks spec up for me. Had posted that as it's a number of years old but just to let you know that Fortnite isn't something that should cause you a lot of problems. If there's a handy way for me to find out if it's a Haswell I'll have a look but other than that I'd have to use my search engine for the answer.
Honestly, I'm not sure about the names associated with the various chips. Like yourself, I go a while in between builds and it's usually what folks spec up for me. Had posted that as it's a number of years old but just to let you know that Fortnite isn't something that should cause you a lot of problems. If there's a handy way for me to find out if it's a Haswell I'll have a look but other than that I'd have to use my search engine for the answer.
I did exactly that Tachyon! Looks to be a similar generation to mine. If yours is working fine then there must be something else affecting my CPU. I'm at a loss as I, like you, haven't upgraded for ages. I need to look into how much strain a GPU puts on the CPU usage. I thought it was quite low but maybe I'm wrong. My son's PC is the same CPU as mine but he games on an HD 24" screen and has a GTX780. His system is fine, so I'm thinking resolution and GPU now.
Yes, your CPU is getting choked because it's 4c & low freq (& old). The main thing is the streaming portions will hammer the cpu while things decompress and load into memory. These sort of MP games are also the hardest on CPUs anyway.

You have basically two options: 1) lower settings to reduce CPU usage, that means any setting that would involve further draw distances, textures, streaming speed etc.; 2) cap your fps so your CPU has more breathing room, how much will have to be something you find out for yourself by trial and error.

Fixed a cousins PC just a few days ago for a similar issue, he had problems with COD but he was on 2c/4t i3 6100. He was already on the lowest settings so I just capped his fps to 45 and engaged vsync, and that helped quite a lot. The stutters aren't completely gone but it's much better.

So until you upgrade the CPU that's what you gotta do.
Ignore min max stats as I forgot to clear them before playing Fortnight

Max CPU usage 88%
Max GPU usage 93%
Didnt see it drop much (if at all) below 100fps with all settings maxed
CPU usage wise, 40-60% most of the time as seen further below in monitoring

Joined a game of Battle Royale and somehow appeared to win!? It's actually quite fun and relaxing compared to Warzone!



Yes, your CPU is getting choked because it's 4c & low freq (& old). The main thing is the streaming portions will hammer the cpu while things decompress and load into memory. These sort of MP games are also the hardest on CPUs anyway.

Still seems odd imo - my Son's PC is only a 2500k@4Ghz, but manages a consistent 144hz with an RX570 (1080P) - (albeit the only setting he has at max is draw distance, the rest are low-mid as he playing fairly competitively)

4K shouldn't really be any more CPU intensive - it should allow the GPU to stretch it's legs and mitigate any real bottlenecks.
A 2080 is easily enough to run this game. It looks like a cartoon version of Farcry!
Depends how competitive and try-harding your going, fps is king so people try to max fps, avg, min's etc because being able to see another play say 0.1sec's faster might be the difference between you seeing and killing them, or them seeing you and killing you, anything to win that chicken dinner etc

edit: doesn't matter if game doesn't look pretty
Depends how competitive and try-harding your going, fps is king so people try to max fps, avg, min's etc because being able to see another play say 0.1sec's faster might be the difference between you seeing and killing them, or them seeing you and killing you, anything to win that chicken dinner etc

I just had my first game and somehow won so it cant be too difficult. I had no idea what I was doing, other than outrunning the gas/storm and shooting people with weapons I picked up.

100fps solid must be competitive enough. Its got me to level 155 in Warzone anyway
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