Fortress FT02 Watercooling

Hi Mick,

You say that too much biocide can be a cause of this problem. This stuff like Pt Nuke yes? As I've only used a silver kill coil in my system and as far as I'm aware it shouldn't change the pH of the water.

Hi there yeh silver kill coil shouldn't make a ounce of difference unless it was washed in acid and not cleaned properly (which is very rare). That's why i use lemons and ultra pure water to clean the coils i make as it makes it easy to remove the lemon afterwards. As you can see when you poured the dye in a glass it works and if you left the glass on the side you'll see it will still be the same a few days later, some thing in your loop is causing the issue hence why i would say it may be the rad or some thing else but not 100% sure unless i analyse the liquids.

that's the problem with water cooling there are lots of people suggesting many things but with out the liquids in there hands and the proper test equipment then 99.99% the time its pure speculation.

to much effort is put on blaming some thing that is not at fault in this game and its happens so many times is defies disbelief it self.

As for my biocide yeh its the same as PT nuke except a hell of a lot stronger. This stuff is the same used in fountains to kill every thing as in its used as what is called a Shock treatment as it can clean a fountain in hours its that strong. We have to water it down because in its pure form it would just be overwhelming in a water cooling loop.
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got you message up its fine with me mate. Just let me know how things go if you need my address for a sample would only need about 100mls if that's oky to be sent off. Ill cover the costs of testing as it will be interesting to get a full brake down and see if we can find the problem.
I have used Mayhems Dye before and all my frinds are using no problem whatsoever.Mayhems dye plus biocide.Perfect combination.Dont forget about ultra pure water.:)
I'm going to drain the loop and flush it again and then apply some more dye since the ph tester is going to be delayed..also got some indigo extreme on order.
Tell me how you go. I just got Mayhem's dye and have the same problem. The dye keeps fading. I'm using distilled water + silver kill coil.

I've used about 4 drops now and it just keeps fading. I flushed out the rad (black ice sr-1) thoroughly beofre use, so I doubt it is that. There's not much else it could be though. I'm wondering if draining the system and putting some new distilled water in there will solve the problem...
Well i drained the loop and filled it with 2 drops of deep purple and pure water 25/12 and its almost gone now already.. probably go back to air after this cba anymore.
What I did was to run it a few times with distilled water and tap water, then a final rinse with distilled water before putting some new distilled water in there and adding the dye.
I cant be bothered now and only done it for the aesthetics really but i've got some white tubing on order to go with the fans and might get a premix for it then when it gets gunked up throw it away and go back to air.

Merry christmas and happy new year to you mate.
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Going to give this another try after new year, reseat the block and get it mounted better with indigo extreme and i've ordered some yellow dye this time and if it fades again i've got the yellow/uv green premix coming as well.
I drained the loop again and this time i used normal deionised water instead of the ultra pure water and added some uv yellow/green dye and it seems to be staying but i much preferred the purple colour so i will probaby change back.

So i wonder if the problem was with the dye or the ultra pure water.

Need to sort out my camera settings.

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Do those fans perform very well on that rad? Mine running at fullspeed don't push much air and i'm only using them as case fans.
Changed to some really nice uv purple tubing and uv puprle premix but managed to break my cathodes when i was braiding the cables so you cant make out the colour of it very well... need to order some more.

It looks much better with the uv installed. :(
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Looking good.

And here's a silly question, where is the bottom hose going? The one headed to front of case?
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