***** Forum URL and Trust not working *****

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16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
Forum URL
Many months ago the link to the forums changed from forums.overclockers.co.uk to http://overclockers.co.uk/forums. The old link was automatically redirected to the new URL so old bookmarks continued to work.

That redirect is no longer working for some ISPs - At the moment we know it's broken on Virgin. We also know the link on the main OcUK site points to the old address.

Please update your bookmarks/favourites to point to the correct URL: http://overclockers.co.uk/forums

We are working to get the redirect re-enabled but you really should be using the new URL after all this time :)

Trust is also currently unavailable. We are working to get that fixed as soon as possible.

Further updates will be given as soon as possible, apologies for the inconvenience.

Gibbo thanks for the update, unfortunately missed yesterday’s FE fest as link not working.

Still seeing v2 3080’s appearing in the market I am hoping a chance my position 81 Tuff OC order might be fulfilled
Any. General update on this welcome.
Logged out, back in, tried incognito and its still the same. I suspect it might have something to do with the recent permission issues with the Crypto forum? @Feek

I can't see the option for Avatars or Sigs in my account area either.
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