Forums slow on a product launch day... again?

"...waiting for"
"...waiting for maxcdn"
"...waiting for googleapis"

Since people here have mentioned Cloudflare, there is also Maxcdn and Googleapis. I might have asked this before and I can't remember the answer, but I get these a lot in the browser's status bar where a web site hangs because it's waiting on one of the 3 above servers. It's only been happening for the last 2 years. Is there a way around these servers so that I can get a direct connection to the intended site like I did a few years ago? I find that it hinders me otherwise.

Try changing your DNS provider, the "waiting for ..." is often a sign of a rubbish DNS server taking too slow to respond:

You may also want to check if your browser is using DNS over HTTPS or not. For me this sometimes hangs in a similar way to what you describe:

(you want to keep it turned on ideally though)

Sometimes, I get an error saying that my browser is working ok, but there is a broken link between Cloudflare etc and the site that I'm trying to get to. It's not the standard "404 not found" or "403 forbidden" error.

Cloudflare is basically a proxy service. Your browser connects to Cloudflare's servers, and they forward the request to the real server behind the scenes.

When you see this message it's telling you the site you are trying to visit is having issues. It's not a problem with Cloudflare or your internet; there's nothing you can do. It's basically telling you the real server isn't responding to Cloudflare's request.

The reason for using Cloudflare is it helps mitigate DDOS and it also hides your real server's IP / location which is good for security. Cloudflare also have servers all over the world so it should help speed up page loads if you're the other side of the world to the real server too.
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