Forza 3 Private Match Thread

GT: Johnz0r

Add me, ain't tried FM3 online yet. Bit curious as to what the level of competition is like on this, not had very good memories online with FM2 loads of race wreckers and people that would just ram you off the road for no reason.

Hopefully, the realistic nature of this one makes it better.
GT: Johnz0r

Add me, ain't tried FM3 online yet. Bit curious as to what the level of competition is like on this, not had very good memories online with FM2 loads of race wreckers and people that would just ram you off the road for no reason.

Hopefully, the realistic nature of this one makes it better.

It's **** so far, hopefully the 'tards will disappear after a few months.
Anyone wanna come and play Tag round the benchmark ring? 3 of us online now so 5 slots.

Ive just spent an hour on benchmark A & E playing tag. Serious fun to be had! Im always up for abit of racing with some fellow OCUK-ers when im free. Might have to get me some decent cars first.

Had a few races tonight (actually forgot who against) but was fun. (sorry for spinning you so many times :p).

Will be up for a few races in 10-15mins

GT: Aman405
Anyone up for some 8 lane drag action later on? Then some general pratting about around the warehouses on Benchmark ring! :p
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