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Founders Edition Coil-whine - RMA experiances

10 Feb 2021
Ah sorry!

Sadly I am no closer :/
It seems very random when fan-stop kicks in now. After a clean boot, with nothing open, it wont stop the fans after even 20+ minutes of idle.

Oddly, if I connect to my work VDI (Azure hosted virtual machine), after about 5-10 minutes of working on that, the fans stop. Sometimes they randomly start again...

Having fresh-installed just about everything I can think of that would have anything remotely to do with fans, nothing seems to have 'worked'

Im fairly sure it is software related... as if I leave the computer at the login screen, the fans will stop then too.

Obviously between sending my GPU away, and getting this one back... nothing at all changed on the software. The PC wasnt started at all.
So I cant work out why fan-stop worked perfectly before the swap.

I am out of ideas for now :/
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