Four terrorist scumbags get life

I have mixed feelings about this. It's great news they're going to be locked away for a nice long time, but there's the horrible realisation that for these four that go down, another set will simply take their place.
Thank christ our justic system has done something right, and i hope they stay there!

Looking forward to the headlines next month where they are stabbed and raped in jail. Lets hope others who have the same in mind think twice before sacraficing themself for a non-existent god / heaven.
iCraig said:
I have mixed feelings about this. It's great news they're going to be locked away for a nice long time, but there's the horrible realisation that for these four that go down, another set will simply take their place.

That will always be the case though, even if they weren't locked away, there will always be more people coming from 'radical' Islam to bring terrorism to this country. At least this is 4 scumbags that have been locked up for a good long while.
Ghosteh said:
That will always be the case though, even if they weren't locked away, there will always be more people coming from 'radical' Islam to bring terrorism to this country. At least this is 4 scumbags that have been locked up for a good long while.

I know, it's good that they're no longer on the streets. What do we gain from it though? Satsifaction that they're behind bars, sure, but it doesn't make our country any safer, as they'll be another cell ready to take their place.

In the long scheme of things, this is a drop in the ocean. :(
Nitefly said:
I await to inevitable death penalty discussion to follow.

Giving them the death sentance isn't a punishment for them at all. They were willing to die in the first place, so they'll embrace martyrdom.

Intead now they'll have to embrace Big Pappa. :cool:
Great news but they are not terrorists. They are just a bunch of retarded criminals, crap criminals at that.
40 years of picking the soap up should proper sort these sad sacks of crap out.
The headline should have really been Noob criminals get pwned.
iCraig said:
Putting suicide bombers to death is largely pointless. It isn't a deterrant, punishment, or satisfaction for the public. I'd rather make them rot in a cell than grant them what they want, wouldn't you? :confused:
:confused: Did i say i wanted it to be a quick death.
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