FPS games sometimes make me feel sicky

Field of view* is a big one there are a few others I find frustrating though:

Head (bob) simulation*
High input latency
Split horizontal/vertical mouse sensitivity*
Mouse acceleration and/or mouse sensitivity scaling with framerate*
Uneven frametimes

* If you are a video game developer always, always, always include the ability to tweak and/or turn these off they RUIN the experience for some players.
Only game to make me feel sick was mirrors edge. Dunno what it was with that game but made me feel sick as hell.

I never completed it! :(
I've often wondered if the resolution has something to do with it as well. With a monitor upgrade due in the not too distant future, I've started thinking about how text will look in games, specifically going from 1200p to.....say 1440p, or even higher? It's not something I suffer from at present, but I still do wonder if our eyes are meant to be running resolutions that high? I guess what will happen is that I'll like the jump in quality so much that I won't care about anything else. :D
Another for motion blur, that's the first thing I disable in new games.

Also, a lot of preanimated sequences such as vaulting over objects or opening doors I find can be a trigger. They try to simulate a feel of motion to add drama, which can be very impressive, however since the screen doesn't actually move with it, can set off vertigo sensations.

I haven't played dying light but have seen a few videos and there certainly does seem to be a lot of this with the parkour.
Sadly, not much can be done other than to look away :(
I get car sick and got sick on 60hz especially L4D after an hour i needed breaks. Swapped to 120hz with blur reduction (240hz) and low and behold no issues as long as fov remains correct.

Fov is a big trigger too though too low and i feel sick and too high and i feel sick. It has to be around 85-90.
The only time ive ever felt sick from gaming was with Nvidia 3D Vision glasses the first couple of weeks using them in games. Don't use them for games now but enjoy a movie or two in them every few months.
Lots of things affect me.

Then switched to 120hz monitor.

Both helped.

Biggest factor seems to be frame rate. Far cry 4 was impossible to play with a 7950. Upgraded to a 780ti and it was all good, no issues.
I can only speak from my experience. The only FPSs I have ever had this with are Singularity and Wolfenstein (2009). The only way I managed to get over this was increase the fov. I seem to need a minimum of 90 to 95 to avoid the need to blow chunks.

Outside of FPS I have suffered the same with the podrace level on lego star wars. Still cant play that bloody level. Two circuits and its chunder time.
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