FPS Games



26 Jan 2014
I am on the search for some good proper single player FPS games that are mouse and keyboard.

maybe its my age (43) but I just can't seem to get on with 3rd person games. or using controllers in shooters

this is a list of the fps games in my steam library

wolfenstein new order
bioshock trilogy
dishonoured (currently playing)
dead island
farcry 3
gta 3-5
deus x

ive done the likes of half life / doom ect yrs ago

are there any games not in that list that i have missed out on ?
not a recent release but I play counter strike global offensive most evenings or killing floor 2 is good but still in early access (much better online than single player)
when you say multiplayer do you mean the like of battlefield series ect ?

If so , i have played and sometimes still play bf ( played battlefield since the very beginning and personal fave was original with the desert combat mod)
i also have arma 2 in my library but i didn't seem to get into that
counterstrike and cod i never got into either.

Stalker series i tried when it very 1st came out years ago and i have recently been looking into the survival genre, but it seems that there is so many early access games out there right now with so many conflicting reviews, that picking a decent one is quite a task
If you come from good old proper FPS games like me than you might not like GTA V - there are a few mouse sensitivity issues none the least it changes with framerate! :( and there is a fixed unchangeable split horizontal and vertical sensitivity so if you spin the mouse around in a circle motion you will get an oval! (unless you actually like that) terrible bad development. Also has some head bob simulation which possibly wouldn't be too bad on its own but in combination with the other mouse issues isn't very pleasing to play with.
alien isolation I have semi looked at

played the original aliens versus predator, played as marine 1st and that was a genuinely scary game at least to begin with

my give isolation a try

gtav I haven't played very much as I am (until tomorrow morning when I collect my 295x2 up from ocuk) on a 5850
hard reset looks good enough, good call

forgot to mention fallout series, I have new vegas and was playing it until couple of weeks ago

It wasn't as good for me as all I heard about it.

anyway thanks for all the suggestions so far :)
The original Crysis if you haven't played it is one of the best single player shooters ever made imo. Skyrim, whilst technically not an FPS, is probably my favourite game out of the ones on your list OP.
All of the above are good suggestions, though I'll add System Shock 2, New Vegas and Unreal (1 or 2).

If you need any help or advice on modding Stalker, then let me know. Speaking of mods, you should consider using them for all the old classics, too. :)
1: The Talos Principle - 1st person puzzler with twisted sense of humour and one the best games I've ever played.
2: Portal & Portal 2 - More puzzle action and a load of fun with great humour
3: Shadow Warrior : THE best FPS shooter of the last 5 years as far as I'm concerned, buy it and buy it now. Sequel on the the way later this year.
4: Singularity: Cheap as chips run of the mill FPS shooter with a decent story and it looks nice too.
5: Homefront: See Singularity
6: Prey: See Homefront :D, sequel on the way.

Of the above get Shadow Warrior its honestly utterly brilliant and a very under rated and little talked about game!
3: Shadow Warrior : THE best FPS shooter of the last 5 years as far as I'm concerned, buy it and buy it now. Sequel on the the way later this year.

Of the above get Shadow Warrior its honestly utterly brilliant and a very under rated and little talked about game!

I remember TB recommending this during one of the Steam sales and picking it up, only to completely forget about as I was heavily invested in another game at the time. Reading this has reminded me to play it so I'm installing it now ready for tomorrow. Cheers Columbo
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